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A fishing game based on the classic Escoba

Whenever you play a card from you hand, you are trying to get - to fish - cards from the table.


At the start of each round, shuffle the number cards and remove two, then add two random special cards to form the deck. Each player then draw 3 cards into their hand, and reveal 4 cards on the center of the table.

Players take turns clockwise. On your turn, you must play a card to the table. If the card may with other card(s) from the table sum up to exactly 15, You'll capture those cards. If there are more than one combinations, you must choose one.

Captured cards placed facedown in front of the player.

If the player capture the last card from the table, that player must flip one of their facedown card to show it is a PESCADO. PESCADOs are worth 1pt at the end of the round.

When all players have played their cards, deal other 3 cards to each player and continue. The round ends when the deck is over and all players have played their cards. When that happens, the player that got the last capture gets all the remaining cards.

End of round

Each player scores 1 pt for each of these following achievements:

- Capturing the 7 of TUNA (blue)

- Having captured more TUNA (blue) than all other players.

- Having captured more cards than all other players.

- Havign captured more cards 7 than all other players.

- 1 pt for each PESCADO.

If two or more players are tied for oen of those achievements, everybody scores that achievement for that round.

If any player reached 12 points summing up their score for the current and past rounds, the game ends and the player with the highest score wins.

Else, start a new round.

The Special Cards

*: Fish one card from the table. If the table is empty, consider it a "0".

J: Play to the table and you cannot fish. The next player to capture any card take this card as well. This card give -1pt when scoring.

B: Play to the table and you cannot fish.

-2: The card is worth -2.

-1: The card is worth -1.

0: The card is worth 0.

1/10: The card is worth 1 or 10.

11: The card is worth 11.

12: The card is worth 12.

13: The card is worth 13.