This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


From Board Game Arena
Revision as of 18:07, 20 September 2024 by Hulb (talk | contribs)
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First play a card for its rooms to the playing area, then play 2 cards for their effects


If you hold a card with a Gold Scroll on it, this must be chosen as your room play before any others

One half of the tile placed must match an adjacent edge it is placed against

A door and a window cannot be placed together

Archways can be placed next to doors or windows or other archways

The 6th border from the start tile is for forest only, no rooms may be placed here

If you cannot adhere to the placement rules, add at tile of your choice to the Governor's Inventory

If you played a tile with a Warder or Chaplain symbol, add the relevant meeple to that tile

If you played a tile with a Moon symbol, flip the current open window closed and flip the next closed window further from the Governor to its open side

Play Effects

Once a tile placement has concluded, you then play two more for their effects, these can be the same or different effects