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(Initial overview of the rules)
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Each tile is coloured (4 colors) and represents a building (6 different types). Each building type will score directly when you place the tile.
In ''The Architects of Amytis'', you choose one of the (up to 9) tiles available on the central board and immediately place one of your Architect pawns on the corresponding pile. This pile is now reserved, in the manner of a worker placement game: neither you nor your opponent can return to it until it is released. As for the chosen tile, you place it freely on your City Board: on any of the 9 slots (you can even freely overlap your tiles to create higher or lower stacks). A tile has 2 pieces of information: a building type, and a color. Immediately score points for the Building type when you place it. There are 6 types of building, each with a choice among 2 scoring options, to provide variety and replayability. The colors of your tiles will be used to complete King’s Projects: cards that you can collect throughout the game, representing a colored pattern. If you reproduce one of these patterns, the project is completed, and the King will award you the corresponding points at the end of the game.

As well as scoring points, the Palace building will allow you to gain more King Projects cards.
This game’s most pleasant and clever feature appears on the central board. As you play your Architect pawn turn after turn, if at any time you manage to align 3 of them (in a row, column or diagonal) you immediately win a King’s Favor: a new type of scoring reserved for you and triggered at the end of the game.

The coloured tiles, when laid on your city board, will allow you to reproduce some of the King's projects (which can be rotated) which will grant you points at the end of the game.
Each turn, juggle wisely these 3 types of scoring (Buildings, Projects and Favors) to optimize your strategy. The most prestigious city will be chosen by the King and will bring you Victory!
While placing your architects on the main board, if you manage to create a line, row or diagonal of 3, you can claim one of the King's favours: another type of score, triggered at the end of the game.
The game ends when two stacks of tiles are depleted. Whoever have the most points, wins.

Latest revision as of 22:43, 10 March 2025

In The Architects of Amytis, you choose one of the (up to 9) tiles available on the central board and immediately place one of your Architect pawns on the corresponding pile. This pile is now reserved, in the manner of a worker placement game: neither you nor your opponent can return to it until it is released. As for the chosen tile, you place it freely on your City Board: on any of the 9 slots (you can even freely overlap your tiles to create higher or lower stacks). A tile has 2 pieces of information: a building type, and a color. Immediately score points for the Building type when you place it. There are 6 types of building, each with a choice among 2 scoring options, to provide variety and replayability. The colors of your tiles will be used to complete King’s Projects: cards that you can collect throughout the game, representing a colored pattern. If you reproduce one of these patterns, the project is completed, and the King will award you the corresponding points at the end of the game.

This game’s most pleasant and clever feature appears on the central board. As you play your Architect pawn turn after turn, if at any time you manage to align 3 of them (in a row, column or diagonal) you immediately win a King’s Favor: a new type of scoring reserved for you and triggered at the end of the game.

Each turn, juggle wisely these 3 types of scoring (Buildings, Projects and Favors) to optimize your strategy. The most prestigious city will be chosen by the King and will bring you Victory!