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Gamehelpterraformingmars: Difference between revisions

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(basically just tiny grammar mistake with the rulebook)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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== Turn Structure ==
'''World War II''' or the '''Second World War''' (1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945) was a global conflict between two coalitions: the Allies and the Axis powers. Nearly all the world's countries—including all the great powers—participated, with many investing all available economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities in pursuit of total war, blurring the distinction between military and civilian resources. Tanks and aircraft played major roles, with the latter enabling the strategic bombing of population centres and delivery of the only two nuclear weapons ever used in war. World War II was the deadliest conflict in history, resulting in 70 to 85 million fatalities, more than half of which were civilians. Millions died in genocides, including the Holocaust of European Jews, and by massacres, starvation, and disease. Following the Allied powers' victory, Germany, Austria, Japan, and Korea were occupied, and war crimes tribunals were conducted against German and Japanese leaders.
Each round of the game represents one generation of development and colonization on Mars. At the start of each round, the first player token moves to the next player.

In every generation players perform the following steps:
The causes of World War II included unresolved tensions in the aftermath of World War I and the rises of fascism in Europe and militarism in Japan, and it was preceded by events including the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, Spanish Civil War, outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, and German annexations of Austria and the Sudetenland. World War II is generally considered to have begun on 1 September 1939, when Nazi Germany, under Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. The United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany on 3 September. Under their Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Germany and the Soviet Union had partitioned Poland and marked out "spheres of influence" across Eastern Europe; in 1940, the Soviets annexed the Baltic states and parts of Finland and Romania. After the fall of France in June 1940, the war continued primarily between Germany and the British Empire, with campaigns in North and East Africa and the Balkans, the aerial Battle of Britain and the Blitz of the UK, and the naval Battle of the Atlantic. By mid-1941, through a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany occupied or controlled much of continental Europe and had formed the Axis alliance with Italy, Japan, and other countries. In June 1941, Germany led the European Axis in an invasion of the Soviet Union, opening the Eastern Front.

'''1) Research:''' draw four cards and add any number of them into your hand. Pay 3 M€ for each one added and discard the rest. There is no hand limit.
Japan aimed to dominate East Asia and the Asia-Pacific, and by 1937 was at war with the Republic of China. In December 1941, Japan attacked American and British territories in Southeast Asia and the Central Pacific, including an attack on Pearl Harbor, which resulted in the United States and the United Kingdom declaring war against Japan. The European Axis powers declared war on the US in solidarity. Japan soon conquered much of the western Pacific, but its advances were halted in 1942 after its defeat in the naval Battle of Midway; Germany and Italy were defeated in North Africa and at Stalingrad in the Soviet Union. Key setbacks in 1943—including German defeats on the Eastern Front, the Allied invasions of Sicily and the Italian mainland, and Allied offensives in the Pacific—cost the Axis powers their initiative and forced them into strategic retreat on all fronts. In 1944, the Western Allies invaded German-occupied France at Normandy, while the Soviet Union regained its territorial losses and pushed Germany and its allies westward. In 1944 and 1945, Japan suffered reversals in mainland Asia, while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy and captured key western Pacific islands. The war in Europe concluded with the liberation of German-occupied territories; the invasion of Germany by the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, culminating in the fall of Berlin to Soviet troops; Hitler's suicide; and the German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945. Following the refusal of Japan to surrender on the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, the US dropped the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima on 6 August and Nagasaki on 9 August. Faced with imminent invasion of the Japanese archipelago, the possibility of more atomic bombings, and the Soviet declaration of war against Japan and its invasion of Manchuria, Japan announced its unconditional surrender on 15 August and signed a surrender document on 2 September 1945, marking the end of the conflict.

'''2) Actions:''' take 1-2 actions from the list below or pass. If you pass, you will not play again for the rest of the round. Continue in turn order until all players have passed. (Note that, during another player's turn in BGA, you can indicate that you will be passing on your next turn by pressing the Advanced Pass button in the 'current activity' box at the top of the page. This allows you to go off and do other things without holding up the game. There is a Confirm button!)
World War II changed the political alignment and social structure of the world, and it set the foundation of international relations for the rest of the 20th century and into the 21st century. The United Nations was established to foster international cooperation and prevent conflicts, with the victorious great powers—China, France, the Soviet Union, the UK, and the US—becoming the permanent members of its security council. The Soviet Union and the United States emerged as rival superpowers, setting the stage for the Cold War. In the wake of European devastation, the influence of its great powers waned, triggering the decolonisation of Africa and Asia. Most countries whose industries had been damaged moved towards economic recovery and expansion.
1) Play a card from your hand
2) Use a standard project
3) Claim a milestone (total of 3 times per game between all players)
4) Fund an award (total of 3 times per game between all players)
5) Use an action on a blue card (each blue card may be used once per generation)
6) Convert 8 plants into a greenery tile (increasing the oxygen level and your Terraform Rating)
7) Convert 8 heat into a temperature increase (increasing your Terraform Rating)
'''3) Production:''' first convert all unspent energy into heat, then all players simultaneously produce resources and M€ according to their production values. Players also get M€ equal to their Terraform Rating. (Note that M€ production values may be negative).
==== Playing Cards ====
Some cards have requirements in order to play them, such as:
- Global parameters (oceans, oxygen, temperature) must be above or below a certain level
- You must have enough tags of a given type already in play (like Science)
- You must be able to produce a specific resource (like Titanium)
Cards have a base cost which must be paid in M€. This cost can be reduced by other card effects. You can also spend resources in lieu of M€ if the card has certain tags:
'''1 Steel = 2 M€''' to pay for any '''Building''' card (brown building icon)
'''1 Titanium = 3 M€''' to pay for any '''Space''' card (gold sunburst icon)
Carry out all of the card's effects, gain resources, and increase/decrease production values as directed. If a change to a production value is indicated with a red border, you can choose to apply it to another player or to no one at all. (These are usually negative effects.)
After you play the card, it moves to one of three areas on your board depending on their color. You can change how these areas are arranged by clicking on the "three bars" icon in the header.
'''- Red cards''' have no further effects and are automatically hidden. They do not contribute tags to your overall totals but may be worth points at the end of the game.
'''- Green cards''' have no further effects, but remain in play to contribute their tags. They may be worth points at the end of the game.
'''- Blue cards''' have either an ongoing passive effect or an action you can take on your turn. BGA sorts them into two piles for your convenience.
==== Standard Projects ====
You always have the following options on your turn regardless of what's in your hand or on your board. Don't forget them! Each standard project takes one action on your turn.
Note that you can also raise temperature or place greenery by spending heat or plants instead of M€.
'''Sell patents:''' discard any number of cards and gain that many M€.
'''Power plant (11 M€):''' increase Energy production one step.
'''Asteroid (14 M€):''' increase temperature one step (and gain one TR).
'''Aquifer (18 M€):''' place an ocean tile (and gain one TR). Note that oceans don't belong to the player who placed them, unlike other tiles.
'''Greenery (23 M€):''' place a greenery tile (raising the oxygen level and gaining one TR). If possible you must place it next to a tile you already own.
'''City (25 M€):''' place a city tile and gain one M€ production. Cities may not be placed adjacent to each other. (Exception: Noctis City may be placed into its reserved spot even if there is already an adjacent city there, and Urbanized Area has to be placed next to 2 Cities.)
If you place a tile, remember to gain any placement bonuses depicted in the space you cover up!
==== Milestones and Awards ====
Milestones and awards place you in direct competition with other players. With milestones you race to be the first to meet a certain condition; with awards you compete to have the most in a specific category at the end of the game.
===== Milestones =====
As an action, you may pay 8 M€ and claim a '''milestone''' if you meet its requirements. It is worth 5 VP at the end of the game. Only three milestones may be claimed per game.
* '''Terraformer:''' have 35+ Terraform Rating (TR)
* '''Mayor:''' own 3+ cities
* '''Gardener:''' own 3+ greenery tiles
* '''Builder:''' have 8+ building tags in play
* '''Planner:''' have 16+ cards currently in hand
===== Awards =====
As an action, you may pay some amount of M€ and fund an '''award'''. The first award funded costs 8 M€, the next costs 14 M€, and the last costs 20 M€. Only three awards may be funded per game. At the end of the game, check each funded award. The first and second place player in each category score VP (see Game End section). The player who funded the award receives no special consideration.
* '''Landlord:''' most tiles in play of any type(s)
* '''Banker:''' highest M€ production
* '''Scientist:''' most science tags in play
* '''Thermalist:''' most unspent heat resource cubes
* '''Miner:''' most unspent steel and titanium resource cubes (combined)
== Game End ==
Game ends when there is enough oxygen to breathe (14%), oceans enough to allow Earth-like weather (9 aquifers), and the temperature is well above freezing (+8˚C).  Play continues to the end of the current generation and then players have one final turn to convert extra plants into one or more greenery tiles.
The winner is the player with most VPs at the end of the game. VPs come from:
* '''Terraform Rating (TR).''' Each time you raise a global parameter (oceans, oxygen, temperature) your TR increases. Score VPs equal to your TR at the end of the game.
* '''Greenery.''' Score 1 VP for each greenery tile you own.
* '''Cities.''' Each city scores 1 VP for each greenery tile adjacent to a city you own, regardless of who owns the greenery. The capital city card also scores 1 VP for each adjacent ocean.
* '''Awards (must be funded).''' 5 VPs to the winner, 2 VPs to second place. If players tie for first, they all get the bonus and no second place is awarded. If multiple players tie for second, they all get the bonus. In a two player game, no second place is awarded.
* '''Claimed milestones.''' Each claimed milestone is worth 5 VPs at the end of the game. Only 3 of the 5 milestones may be claimed.
* '''VPs on played cards.''' First, count all VPs on cards that collect resources. Then gather all of your remaining cards (including all your played events!) and count your VPs. If you have Jovian cards, these may have to be counted separately. (To identify this look for the number, or an effect like X VP / Y number of resources, marked inside the planet Mars Icon)
If there is a tie for VPs, whomever has the most M€ wins.
== Common rules misinterpretations ==
If you trying to submit a bug report about possible rules violation please note that at this point it is very unlikely  to be a real issue or unique.
See list of common rule misinterpretations [[Bugsclarification_terraformingmars]]
== Digital adaptation ==
=== Interface ===
Interface should be self explanatory for most part.
* You only can do action that you are allowed to do. If you THINK you can do something and there is no button, see section about "Common rules misinterpretations" above. Same as if you think you did something that you should not have.
* You can do a game action either by using a toolbar button or by clicking game element which is highlighted. If there are more than 7 buttons - buttons no longer shown (but if you really want them there is button "Where are my buttons")
* When multiple effects are in play you have to choose order, if you don't want to choose there is button Whatever to chose random order
* When you get too many cards you can play with card layout option using hamburder menu near card pile. Even when card stacked you always see them by clicking on any card - it will show whole pile in popup. The layout is store per player color per table. If you like to change default layout use Setting panel to store current layout as default.
* There is sorting option for cards (button near Hand panel), which has few modes: By Cost, By Playability, By Vp, Manual and None. Be careful when you set to auto-sort - card order may change as you get them and you click or something you not except to be there. Manual mode is drag and drop
=== Settings ===
The game is very complex and there is no size that fits all. So we provide customizations. Settings are accessible via Gear icon on the top right.
There are 2 categories:
* Preferences - these remembered in your account and go with you everywhere
* Local settings - these are browser settings, they saved for per player, per theme and for this browser only.
==== Preference - Theme ====
For people who like to see game as it was designed by game designed we provide Cardboard theme. It has exact board, player board and printed cards (with english text). Also there are resource cubes for extra giggles.
==== Preference - Live Scoring ====
Live scoring is ability of UI show you preview of VP as you would have ended game now. Because its controversial subject it exists as both game option and user preference.
If table creator set the option to Disabled, nobody at the table can see live scoring, regardless of their preferences and feelings.
Otherwise its a personal choice - you can use Preference of Show or Hide.  
Unless you play with Live scoring disabled you can always peek to see current scoring table using show Scoring button or clicking of scoring control (the number of point on players mini panel)
==== Local Settings - Animation ====
If you fast player you may want to reduce amount and time of animation using settings. Also Carboard theme is slightly faster because it does less animations in general.
=== Limitations of digital adaptation ===
* Cannot choose order of come into play effects of project cards (with some exceptions)
* When order of effect chosen - cannot Draw cards before resolving other complex effects
* Cannot undo single action (Undo will undo 2 actions or until after last Draw)
* You cannot undo when you are the last player to take an action in multiplayer state (i.e. setup, draft, research)
== Solo Game ==
The solo version always uses the Corporate Era setup; include all the Corporate Era cards and start without any production, except for what your corporation may give you.
All rules apply as usual with these exceptions:
* Before you choose your cards, place 2 neutral city tiles on the map with an adjacent greenery tile each (these tiles are not yours, and do not increase the oxygen level): one is placed in the top left, and one in the bottom right. Special case: If you choose to play Tharsis Republic this game, you get M€ production for the 2 neutral cities even though they are placed before you reveal your corporation.
* Start with a terraform rating of 14 instead of 20 (marked ’solo’ on the track) and without the extra production of resources described for the standard game.
* Awards and Milestones are not used.
* You have a neutral opponent that you can steal from, or reduce any kind of resources and production from.  
* In default solo1 mode you always play 14 generations (no more). In order to win, you need to complete terraforming (i.e making the three global parameters reach their goal) before the end of genearation 14. After generation 14, you may convqert plants into greenery tiles, following normal rules but without raising the oxygen, and finally you score Tips to win to get as high a score as possible. If you have not completed terraforming by the end of generation 14, you lose. Note: if you using Prelude expansion the game ends at generation 12
* There is a different solo mode called TR63 - it means you have to reach terraforming rating of 63 (not VP!) by the end of last generation (last generation rules same as in previous item).
== Variations ==
'''Draft Enabled''' - Draft 4 cards during '''Research''' '''phase''', 1st generation is '''NOT''' included.
'''Beginners Corporations''' - Beginner Corporations start with 42 MC and get to keep all 10 setup cards for free. ''Recommended only for beginner players.''
'''Corporate Era''' - All corporation cards are available and all productions stayrt at 0.

Latest revision as of 21:00, 7 October 2024

World War II or the Second World War (1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945) was a global conflict between two coalitions: the Allies and the Axis powers. Nearly all the world's countries—including all the great powers—participated, with many investing all available economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities in pursuit of total war, blurring the distinction between military and civilian resources. Tanks and aircraft played major roles, with the latter enabling the strategic bombing of population centres and delivery of the only two nuclear weapons ever used in war. World War II was the deadliest conflict in history, resulting in 70 to 85 million fatalities, more than half of which were civilians. Millions died in genocides, including the Holocaust of European Jews, and by massacres, starvation, and disease. Following the Allied powers' victory, Germany, Austria, Japan, and Korea were occupied, and war crimes tribunals were conducted against German and Japanese leaders.

The causes of World War II included unresolved tensions in the aftermath of World War I and the rises of fascism in Europe and militarism in Japan, and it was preceded by events including the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, Spanish Civil War, outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, and German annexations of Austria and the Sudetenland. World War II is generally considered to have begun on 1 September 1939, when Nazi Germany, under Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. The United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany on 3 September. Under their Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Germany and the Soviet Union had partitioned Poland and marked out "spheres of influence" across Eastern Europe; in 1940, the Soviets annexed the Baltic states and parts of Finland and Romania. After the fall of France in June 1940, the war continued primarily between Germany and the British Empire, with campaigns in North and East Africa and the Balkans, the aerial Battle of Britain and the Blitz of the UK, and the naval Battle of the Atlantic. By mid-1941, through a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany occupied or controlled much of continental Europe and had formed the Axis alliance with Italy, Japan, and other countries. In June 1941, Germany led the European Axis in an invasion of the Soviet Union, opening the Eastern Front.

Japan aimed to dominate East Asia and the Asia-Pacific, and by 1937 was at war with the Republic of China. In December 1941, Japan attacked American and British territories in Southeast Asia and the Central Pacific, including an attack on Pearl Harbor, which resulted in the United States and the United Kingdom declaring war against Japan. The European Axis powers declared war on the US in solidarity. Japan soon conquered much of the western Pacific, but its advances were halted in 1942 after its defeat in the naval Battle of Midway; Germany and Italy were defeated in North Africa and at Stalingrad in the Soviet Union. Key setbacks in 1943—including German defeats on the Eastern Front, the Allied invasions of Sicily and the Italian mainland, and Allied offensives in the Pacific—cost the Axis powers their initiative and forced them into strategic retreat on all fronts. In 1944, the Western Allies invaded German-occupied France at Normandy, while the Soviet Union regained its territorial losses and pushed Germany and its allies westward. In 1944 and 1945, Japan suffered reversals in mainland Asia, while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy and captured key western Pacific islands. The war in Europe concluded with the liberation of German-occupied territories; the invasion of Germany by the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, culminating in the fall of Berlin to Soviet troops; Hitler's suicide; and the German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945. Following the refusal of Japan to surrender on the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, the US dropped the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima on 6 August and Nagasaki on 9 August. Faced with imminent invasion of the Japanese archipelago, the possibility of more atomic bombings, and the Soviet declaration of war against Japan and its invasion of Manchuria, Japan announced its unconditional surrender on 15 August and signed a surrender document on 2 September 1945, marking the end of the conflict.

World War II changed the political alignment and social structure of the world, and it set the foundation of international relations for the rest of the 20th century and into the 21st century. The United Nations was established to foster international cooperation and prevent conflicts, with the victorious great powers—China, France, the Soviet Union, the UK, and the US—becoming the permanent members of its security council. The Soviet Union and the United States emerged as rival superpowers, setting the stage for the Cold War. In the wake of European devastation, the influence of its great powers waned, triggering the decolonisation of Africa and Asia. Most countries whose industries had been damaged moved towards economic recovery and expansion.