This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


From Board Game Arena
Revision as of 19:30, 4 October 2024 by Kuzai (talk | contribs) (Updated most sections with Master Set rules instead of 1st edition rules)
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Play cards to your area in order to earn points. When a player has 25 victory points (VPs), the current round finishes and then whoever has the most VPs (including end game scoring) wins!


The round is split into five phases, each of which is completed by every player before moving to the next, the phases are:

  • Lookout phase
  • Production phase
  • Action phase
  • Check for game end
  • Cleanup phase

Lookout Phase

First, reveal n+1 cards, where n is the number of players, e.g., 4 cards in a 3-player game.

After which, players take turns taking a new card in clockwise order.

After each player has taken 1 card, discard remaining cards.

Then draw n+1 cards, and now starting with the last player and proceeding counter-clockwise, each player will take a card.

After each player has taken 1 card again, discard the remaining cards.

Production Phase

First, gain resources according to your faction board. Usually this includes 3 workers, 1 resource, 1 connection token, and 1 card.

Second, each deal provides the good depicted on the card.

Third, each production location produces goods (including open production cards).


In clockwise order, each player takes a single action or passes until all players pass.

If you pass then you cannot take additional actions, your locations cannot be razed or interacted with in any other way, e.g., use open production locations.

The actions are:

  • Construct a location
  • Develop a location
  • Make a deal
  • Raze location from your hand
  • Raze opponent's location
  • Use an action from a location
  • Use an action from your faction board
  • Use another player's open production location
  • Take a connection card
  • Play a connection card
  • Place a shield token on a location (free action)
  • Pass

Check for Game End

If one player has 25 VPs or more, do not go to the Cleanup Phase , and instead calculate the final score for each player.

Cleanup Phase

You can use the storage ability on any locations to save goods.

All other goods (resources, workers, contact tokens, shields) in your personal supply and on your cards are returned to the general supply.

Beside stored goods, you can only keep cards in between rounds.

Discard all face-up connection cards.

Pass the first player token to the left and start a new round.

End Game Scoring

Each player adds 1 VP per location (but 0 VP per Ruin) to their current score.

In the case of a tie, use the following tie breakers:

  • The player with the most total goods
  • The player with the most locations
  • Share the victory