This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
The game is divided into two phases. In the first phase, you will connect terminals and buildings with track tiles. In the second phase, you control your trolley from terminal to terminal and make the necessary stops in between. The first one to do so wins the game.
In phase 1, players take turns to place 2 tiles on the board, until you decide to move on to phase 2. When placing, each tile must be placed on to an empty space of the board or replace a track with brown background. Tracks never :
- Lead off the board;
- Lead into a building;
- Have end(s) that cannot be continued.
Once the route is fulfilled, you may select to start phase 2. From now on, you will act with phase 2 rules.
In a deviation from the published rules, in the BGA version, once a player places their train, their tiles become available for folks who are still placing tiles.
Phase 2
Roll 3 dice and choose 1 to execute, then you can choose to pass or roll 2 dice and execute 1. Then you can choose to pass or roll 1 dice to execute. Then you must skip your turn.
The dice have the following meaning:
- Red Light - Trolley does not move.
- One or Two Green Lights - Trolley moves ahead one or two spaces.
- H - Trolley moves to next stop or terminal spot.
- Tools(2 faces) - Trolley must go back to last station or terminal for repairs. This also ends the player's turn.