This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Table 1 – Dice Results
Result Collect Effect
3 Food
3 Food Add 3 food to your peg board.
1 Good
1 Good
1 Good Worth 1 good. Add multiple goods to separate rows, e.g., 1 = 1 wood;

2 = 1 wood + 1 stone; 3 = 1 wood + 1 stone + 1 pottery, and so on.

2 Goods and 1 Skull
2 Goods and 1 Skull
2 Goods and 1 Skull Worth 2 goods and 1 skull. After rolling all dice, if a player has more than 1 skull showing, a disaster will occur. Skulls do not accumulate from round to round.
3 Workers
3 Workers
3 Workers Check off 3 boxes in cities and/or monuments of your choice.
2 Food or 2 Workers
2 Food or 2 Workers
2 Food or 2 Workers Feed 2 cities or check off 2 boxes to build cities and/or monuments.
7 Coins
7 Coins
7 Coins Worth 7 coins toward a development. Coins cannot be saved from round to round.
Table 2 – Disaster Results
Cause Result Effect Affected By
No Food Famine Lose 1 point for each city Food (1 food needed per city).
1 Skull None No effect Not applicable
2 Skulls Drought Lose 2 points If you have Irrigation, you are unaffected
3 Skulls Pestilence Your opponents lose 3 points Opponents with Medicine are unaffected
4 Skulls Invasion Lose 4 points If you have completed the Great Wall monument, you are unaffected
5+ Skulls Revolt Lose all your goods (including those just collected) If you have Religion, instead of losing all of your goods, your opponents lose all of their goods. Opponents with Religion are unaffected.