This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Each player has a set of cards numbered 1-12 laid out randomly in a 3x4 grid in front of them.

There's a draw deck of 26 cards (2 sets of 1-12 + 1 Max + 1 Repeat card) called the Captain deck.

Game is played in 3 rounds.

Game Play

Each turn, a card is drawn.

If your card with the card number (big number in the middle of the card) matching the number on the drawn card, you can

1) Move the card / stack of cards OVER an adjacent card / stack of cards, or

2) Move it to a spot adjacent to ANY cards (can be outside the 3x4 grid)

If your card of that number had already been covered, you will have to say "Quack!" which, in this game, BGA will nicely take care of that for you. :)

If all players said "Quack!", that card will be moved to the discarded area. Cards in discarded area will always be visible.

Round End

A round ends when

1) One or more players managed to stack all their cards into a single deck, or

2) The number of discarded cards reached a certain number (varies depending on the number of players)

Scores (splash points, the smaller number on the lower right-hand corner) remaining on the visible cards will be summed up.

Game End

The game ends after 3 rounds. The player with the lowest total after three rounds wins the game.