This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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  • The supply has 8 magic items and 5 essences (calm, elan, life, death, gold).
  • Place 5 places of power.
  • Shuffle the monuments and put 2 of them face up.
  • Each player gets 1 of each essence, 2 mages and 8 artifacts. Examine the artifacts and select 1 mage.
  • In counter-clockwise order, each play chooses 1 magic item, starting from the player to the right of the first player.


Each game usually consists of 4-6 rounds. In each round, do the following:

Phase 1: Collect

  • Each player activates their collect abilities.
  • If there is a number on the essence, take that number of essences; otherwise take 1.
  • If there is a +, take all of them.
  • If there is a /, choose 1 to take.
  • If a pentagon is shown, choose any type of essence, subject to the restrictions.
  • You may also take essences off some components (including places of power), but if you take any essence off a component, you must take all of them.
  • After collecting, pay the collect costs (if any) and resolve any effects caused.

Phase 2: Actions

  • Starting with the first player, each player resolves an action until anyone has passed:
  1. Play an artifact: place an artifact from your hand, paying its cost.
  2. Claim a monument/place of power: place the card your claim in front of you, paying its cost. You may claim the top monument on the deck.
  3. Discard an artifact: discard an artifact from your hand. Then, gain 1 gold or any other 2 essences.
  4. Activate a power: use a power on one of your straightened components or use a reaction.
  5. Pass: if you are the first to pass, take the starting player token. Then, swap your magic item for another in the supply and draw 1 card.
  • You must pay all of the required cost to use a power.
  • If a card is turned, its powers (except reactions) cannot be used.
  • Each use of a card's power is a seperated action.
  • If you have to place essences on a component, take them from the supply.
  • Reactions are used out of turn, when its activating condition happen. It can be used if the card is turned, unless turning the card is needed.
  • Life loss is only inflicted on opponents that haven't passed. If an opponent cannot pay the loss, loss any other 2 essences instead.
  • Discarding is from hand, while destroying is to discard from play. When destroying a card, put any essence on it back to the supply.
  • If you have no cards in the deck when you need to draw a card, shuffle the discard pile to form a new deck.
  • If there is an equal sign on the pentagon, you have to pay identical essences.
  • If you need to choose any opponent, you can choose an opponent who has passed.
  • If the effect produces a mix of essences, total the cost, modify by any modifiers, and take any mix of essences from the supply.
  • Once a player passes, he cannot do any actions or be affacted by life loss, but can still be affacted by other rivals' powers.

Phase 3: Victory

  • After all players have passed, check if anyone has 10 or more points.
  • If at least 1 player has 10 or more points, the game ends and the player with the most points wins.
  • If several players are tied, count the number of remaining essences with gold counted as double. The player with the most essences wins.
  • If any players are still tied, they share the victory.
  • If nobody has 10 or more points, straighten all components and begin the next round.



  • Instead of drawing 8 artifacts, deal 4 artifacts to each player.
  • Each player keeps 1 and pass the rest clockwise. Repeat 4 times.
  • Each player draw 4 artifacts again and repeat the passing process 4 times.
  • Choose 3 artifacts to be your starting hand and put the rest in a deck.