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Rage is a bidding trick taking game from Amigo games.


The game ends after 10 rounds, highest score wins; most correct bids breaks ties

Cards in play

  • There are six (6) suits (Yellow Orange Red Purple Green & Blue) each with cards numbering 0-15
  • There are 5 (gray) action cards
    • Bonus Rage (+5)
    • Change Rage (❗) - randomly changes trump color
    • Mad Rage (-5)
    • Out Rage (🚫) - no more trump
    • Wild Rage (Jester hat) - makes this card the highest number of whatever color the player wants (incl. trump)

Rules summary

Each round starts with each playing bidding for how many tricks they will win (total may (far) outnumber available trick count)

Each trick starts with a player leading a color, each other player follows suit, or, if they cannot, plays Action or any other color Highest card following suit or highest trump card played wins the trick. Player that won the last trick leads the next trick.

At the end of hte round, scoring is as follows: +1 for each trick you won +/-5 for each Bonus or Mad Rage you took +10 for bidding exactly the number of tricks correctly (+5 if you bid 0)