This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


From Board Game Arena
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Goal: Escape the island to one of the surrounding four corner pieces of land.

Gameplay: Each turn you have three actions. You can move one of your meeples or you can move an entire raft as long as you have control of it. You can also move empty rafts towards you. Once your turn is over, you flip a tile. The first tiles must be the sand tiles. Once they are all gone, you can then flip a forest. Once there are only mountains left, they can be turned over, but these are the deadliest tiles.

Each time you flip a tile, you will either summon a creature or gain an ability. Abilities can be played at any time during your movement phase.

Abilities include the moving a raft or swimmer 1-2 spaces (free move), rolling the creature die, moving a creature, or repellent (used when a creature attacks you).

Game ends when all survivors have reached safety or three volcanoes have been revealed.