This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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As there are no rules or tutorials to be found this is based on my experience having played a single game in order to help others.


This is a 2-player tile placing and auction game. Each player has a player board with an 8x8 grid.

There is a bag with 42 tiles. Each tile shows two flowers; there are 6 different kinds of flowers. There are 2 tiles of each combination of two flowers.

Each player starts with 30 € and with 1 tile already placed on the player board, so 40 tiles are remaining for the game.

Round overview

The game lasts 10 rounds. At the beginning of each round, 4 tiles (with 2 flowers each) are placed face-up outside the player boards.

Players then bid to determine turn order in drafting flower tiles. It is a dutch auction, which means the price starts at 5€ and is reduced by 1€ every 3 seconds, until one of the players click on 'buy'. The first player that clicked on 'buy' wins the auction.

The first player must pay his/her bid, selects 3 of the 4 tiles and place them on his/her board. The second player gets the remaining tile for free.

The players try to place the tiles in such a way, that the same types of flowers are placed next to each other in groups as large as possible.

Game End

The game ends after 10 round, when all 42 tiles have been placed (4 per round and 2 during setup, before the game started).


End of game scoring is based on quantity of like flowers in the largest group for each flower.

  • 3-5 identical flowers = 1 point
  • 6-8 identical flowers = 3 points
  • 9-11 identical flowers = 6 points
  • 12+ flowers = 10 points

Additionally, the player with the most leftover money earns points for the difference between the players according to the same flower point chart above.