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To reach your goal, you will have to draw, steal or fetch Travel cards and play them in front of you in descending order from your starting city Khalla #13 to the Oasis #0. Beware traveler, you’re not the only one looking for this Eden! Be efficient and mindful to keep others in check and control the game! You can increase your chances of finding the Oasis first by recruiting powerful Companions and by obtaining useful pieces of equipment.

Flow of a Turn

Mandatory Action

During your turn, you must choose from one of the five possible actions:

Explore: Draw 2 Journey cards from the Exploration deck.

Recycle: Take 1 card from the Ruins.

Travel: Play any number of Travel cards.

Recruit: Play 1 Companion card from your hand or take 1 Companion card from the Lair.

Equip: Discard X cards to take 1 Equipment of cost X.

Optional Action

After performing one of the five possible actions above, you may then perform the optional Mission action unless you performed a Recruit action this turn.

Companions that have been played onto your tableau may be sent off on a Mission. You may send one or more Companions of the same clan on a Mission.

- sending an Explorer on a mission allows the player to perform the Explore action. - sending a Scavenger on a mission allows the player to perform the Recycle action. - sending a Marauder on a mission allows the player to perform the Pillage action.


Players have a maximum hand size of 8 cards. If you have more than 8 cards in your hand, you must discard down to 8. You may not discard down to a lower number. Discarded Journey cards will be placed in the Ruins. There is no limit to the number of cards that may be in the Ruins.