This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Make sequences of the same colour whilst obtaining Clans, Honors, and Quests to score bonus points at game end


On your turn, take one of the following actions

Play an Influence Card

Discard 1 card to draw 2 cards

Discard 1 card to take all cards from a market pile

Discard 3 cards of the same colour to draw a Quest and a new card

Play an Advocate

Play an Influence Card

You can play an influence card as long as it follows sequence from 1 to 6

You can have a single active sequence for each colour

The quantity of symbols next to a number tell you how many copies of that card there are in the game

If you played the last card in your hand, draw a new card, otherwise you do not draw if you still have cards remaining

Discard 1 to Draw 2

Discard a card from your hand into one of the three market stacks, everything in that stack remains visible

Draw 2 cards blind from the deck

Discard to Draw from Market

Discard a card to a Market pile of your choice

Pick a different Market pile where the most recent card matches your discarded card in some way (number / colour / name) and take the whole pile

Turn over a new card from the deck to create a new market pile

Draw a Quest

Discard 3 cards of the same colour, these can go on the same or different Market piles as you choose

Secretly draw a Quest card, keep it private, but it gives you an objective to complete by game's end

Then draw an Influence card from the deck

Play an Advocate

Play a single Advocate for its special ability, then discard it NOT to a Market Pile, but to a unique Removed area

Note that due to cards replenishing empty Market Piles, Advocates may enter this area this way

Claim a Single Clan and Multiple Honors

In addition to your basic action, you can claim bonuses if you meet the criteria

Once you have the 3 or higher in a colour sequence, you may claim the related Clan if it is still available, you can only claim ONE clan in the entire game, so choose your moment & preferred clan carefully, it will then give a special effect for you alone

Honors on the other hand can be claimed as many times as you meet their requirement, each is worth 1VP, so none are better or worse than others

Game End

The game ends either when all the Clans and Honors have been claimed OR the main deck has run out, either way complete the current round in full

Add up the highest value card in each colour to gain that in VPs

The player with the most Tomes and Epics in hand gains 3VP, 2nd most gains 1VP

If you hold a relic and have the highest number in its colour gain 1VP, if you hold a relic and do NOT have the highest value then LOSE 1VP

Quests score as per their conditions

Clans score as per their conditions

Honors score 1VP each

The player with the most points, wins!

If tied, the player with more Tomes, wins!

If still tied, the player with more hand cards, wins!

Summarised by