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Strategically collect fruit and deliver the most of it in the most varied quantities

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===Game End===
===Game End===
The game ends when the last pile is depleted and its Finca is allocated
Unused bonus tiles are worth 2VP
All other tiles show their value on them
The player with the most points, wins!
If tied, the player with the most leftover fruit wins!
Summarised by

Revision as of 15:32, 20 July 2024


Strategically collect fruit and deliver the most of it in the most varied quantities


Each player places a piece on a segment of the wheel, players can share the same segment, based on this segment the player gains 1 piece of the depicted fruit


On your turn, you can move a farmer, or deliver fruit, or play an action tile

If you move your farmer, count how many farmers are on your space (including you) and this is how far your farmer moves. Your farmer moves this exact number clockwise. Where the farmer ends up, again count the number of farmers including your own, then gain this quantity of the fruit depicted there. e.g. your farmer starts on a space with 2 others, so moves exactly 3 spaces, and lands on the Lemon with 3 other farmers, so gains 4 lemons. If there is not enough of that fruit in the supply, all players, including yourself, give all your fruit of that type back to supply, then you take what you were owed e.g. if you have 1 lemon in the example, and there were no lemons in the supply (or not enough), you'd put your 1 lemon back and take 4 lemons (after all others had also returned their lemons) so you net 4 lemons NOT 5. If your farmer crosses one of the two Donkey symbols, gain a Donkey Cart and same with Fruit, if all Donkey Carts are claimed, return all and take one.

If you deliver fruit, check what the delivery tile is asking for, if it shows question marks then the fruit is your choice but has to be all of the same type. You have to spend a single Donkey Cart, then can deliver up to 6 fruits, so you can deliver to multiple tiles but must fully satisfy a tile to deliver to it i.e. you cannot make a part delivery. The completed delivery tile is claimed by the player, and the next tile in its stack is revealed. This means that some stacks may deplete earlier than others. When a pile is depleted, it will give a final reward for the player with the most of a certain fruit found on tiles only, this may not necessarily be given to the player who revealed it, and wild fruit does not count. Some Finca asks for two fruits on tiles, add these together for a total quantity e.g. if you have 3 lemons and 2 olives for a lemon/olive combo, then you have a value of 5 for this purpose. If you have gained tiles with the numbers 1-7 on them, you gain the variety bonus tile of the next highest available reward.

If you use an action tile, you have 4 you can use, but each can only be used once per game. One tile gives two separate Farmer movements, resolve one fully before the other, gaining fruit on each resolve. Use any Farmer space lets you put your Farmer on any space to gain Fruit, but you CANNOT gain a Donkey Cart in this way. Large Delivery lets the player deliver up to 10 Fruit, and does NOT use up a Donkey Cart. Phantom Fruit lets you deliver one extra fruit of any type, letting you deliver 7 instead of 6.

Game End

The game ends when the last pile is depleted and its Finca is allocated

Unused bonus tiles are worth 2VP

All other tiles show their value on them

The player with the most points, wins!

If tied, the player with the most leftover fruit wins!

Summarised by