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As the goddess of famine, Limus produces zones of hunger which opponents cannot work. If you can take note of this, you can play her pretty well (I once trapped an opponent with Limus in 3 moves). But it is counter-intuitive to most players too, so how to get a better position with her?

God Power

Opponent workers cannot build on spaces neighbouring your workers, unless building a dome.


Opponent blocking


It is important to understand how Limus works. If you’re not aware of the following feathers, then you’re not making the most of Limus.

Playing with Limus is very different from playing with most gods. Playing with her is a journey to the dark side of Santorini, where you don’t aim to win by moving to level 3s, but by trapping your opponent so that they can’t build. When playing with or against Limus, you should be aware of the following facts/strategies.

Firstly, it is difficult for the opponent to build in the center, the 9 squares outside of the perimeter. For example, while Limus is standing in the center C3, the opponent cannot build in any space neighboring this square and can only build in the perimeter. But even if Limus doesn’t have a worker in the center, it is still very difficult for the opponent to build in that region. For example, if Limus is in B3 and D3, the opponent can only build in rows 1 and 5.

Secondly, an opponent’s worker in the corner can be easily trapped with this power. If the opponent has a worker in A1, a Limus worker in B2 will trap it, since moving to B1 or A2 would imply an impossible construction next to Limus (unless it is a dome). For example, if the opponent places his workers in A1 and E5, Limus can place the workers in B2 and D4 and the game is already over. So, if you are playing against Limus, you should at all cost avoid moving a worker into a corner. If you are playing with Limus and see that your opponent likes the corners, I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to leave him to his demise.

Thirdly, while Limus is on B3, the opponent cannot move to A3, similarly with B2, B4, C4, C2, D2, D3 and D4. This is because moving to A3 would “force” the opponent to build next to Limus. Notice how a Limus worker in an inner corner such as B2, prevents the opponent from moving to 3 squares, A1, A2 and B1! How powerful is that?

Lastly, if Limus is in the same row/column separated by 1 or 2 squares, the opponent can’t build in several squares (at most 60% of the board). This is one of the most important (not obvious at first) problems of Limus. If Limus is in B3 and D3 (or [A3 and D3] or [B3 and E3]), the opponent can only build in the first (1st) and last (5th) rows. This is the formation in which Limus controls 15 squares, leaving the 1st and 5th row for the opponent. Consider the following scenario: Limus is in B3 and D3 and the opponent in C2 and C4. If Limus keeps moving between D3 and E3 for the rest of the game, then the opponent won’t ever be able to connect his workers, since he can only build with the C2 worker in the first row and with the C4-worker in the 5th row. Of course this can’t happen forever, it can give you an idea of how Limus’ workers can work together. This golden formation might not be as effective on other squares, but still pretty good. For example, Limus in B4 and C4 still cover 15 squares, but leave a bit of the center (B2, C2, C3) open for the opponent. Consider the following example in which this formation proves its value:


In the previous scenario, Limus moves c3-d2, builds E3, producing the formation B2&D2, which control the 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns. Now it is the opponent’s turn and wherever he moves, he would have to build next to Limus, so Limus wins!

Game Strategies

Early Game

Starting with both workers in the center is ideal. You can do this either with C3&C4 or C2&C4. Having a worker in the center C3 has the advantage that it alone controls every centre square, but workers in C2&C4 control a total of 15 squares! You can think at least two starting strategies.

  • Build in the perimeter (especially the corner), since it is very hard for the opponent to defend this zone.
  • If you start with C2&C3, you can try to move the C3 worker in the C-column while building there. Then it is impossible (in most cases) for the opponent to access column C and it will be very easy to move up to a level 2.

Mid Game

As in the Early Game, it is important to have good control of the center (Limus is not as effective in the perimeter as in the central squares). The strategies for Limus don’t change much in this stage of the game but there is still something worth mentioning. If Limus ever gets stuck on the ground level, remember that moving up shouldn’t be that hard since you can build a level 1 and, as long as the opponent cannot move to that square, you can move there easily and from there to a higher position (level 2). You should also avoid the presence of level 3s in the board since they can allow your opponent to make extra moves (because he can dome those level 3s).

Late Game

The less space there is in the board, the harder it is for your opponent to play legal moves. This means that you normally don’t have to rush the win with Limus, you can play slowly, without too many risks, and you will be in a more favorable endgame.

Specific Matchup


This matchup will be very different from the usual, but it should give a balanced fight.

Castor & Pollux

Being able to move with both workers (and not build) can be very good against Limus, since you can go to squares you wouldn’t normally be able to. Castor & Pollux can make use of this ability so that they might get the win.


This is a tricky matchup where Charybdis must be extra careful where she places the whirlpool. A whirlpool next to Limus might mean that it stays there for a long time, since you cannot build over it.


If Limus is smart enough to control the central squares in the first 3 moves, then Clio’s coins will be placed in the perimeter and this is just terrible. There is nearly no way Clio could win this matchup.

Domers (e.g. Atlas, Selene, Asteria)

Atlas is the best domer against Limus since he can always build next to Limus, as long as it is a dome. I would not recommend this matchup as Atlas will just destroy Limus easily. With Selene and Asteria the case isn’t quite the same, but these domers are still quite good against Limus.

Double builders (e.g. Demeter, Hephaestus, Prometheus, Hestia, Terpsichore)

Demeter has a tough time against Limus, but she might pull it off. Hephaestus, Hestia and Prometheus are worse in this matchup. Terpsichore needs to be careful as if at least one worker is not able to build, she loses.


This is a balanced game but Graeae stands out. Graeae still needs to be careful not to get trapped, as she can only build with her unmoved workers.


A balanced game which might take a while. Surprisingly, Hera might be stronger in this matchup.


You would think that Hermes could defeat Limus, but it is still very difficult for the god of travel.


Limus proves to be very effective against Morpheus. If Morpheus “ignores” Limus by collecting blocks, it can be too late. For example, Morpheus could easily dome a level 2 usually, but not against Limus. Another factor is that it will be extremely hard to get close to Limus once she is higher than Morpheus, as he cannot build next to her. Therefore, Morpheus needs to start placing blocks from the beginning and try not to stay very far behind. I recommend you try this matchup.


This might be a nice try to beat Limus, but she still has the upper hand in this matchup.


If you never thought about this matchup, just imagine Poseidon’s seas being drained by Limus, because that’s what will happen literally.


Urania just dominates Limus. Pick Urania in this matchup and build in the corners, and you will have an easy win.

Opponent Forcers (E.g. Apollo, Charon, Dionysus, Eris, Harpies, Minotaur, Scylla, Siren)

Apollo, Charon and Scylla have it easy. Dionysus finds it hard to build domes so he isn’t that good against Limus. Much better is Eris, who can control Limus and her workers to defend.

Harpies pushes Limus to the corner and it might be tricky for Limus to play this matchup, but she still has the upper hand. Minotaur provides a balanced game. Siren is not that good against Limus.


Limus is very strong and if you want to defeat her, you need a very strong god (or some power that exploits her weaknesses like Urania or Atlas). You also have to be very careful as playing on the perimeter can be deadly, since Limus can move there and steal your playing zone.

Tier ranking: A

Limus proves to be more unusual and deathly than the others. Choosing her is challenging, but in the end you will be glorious.