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Taming Pegasus and using it to slay monsters is no small feat. Now with this control, he can aid his workers to fly high. Although he can do it only once, he is able to win with this. So how to time this favor to soar to the skies?

Hero Power

Once per game while moving, your worker moves up two levels.


Player move


Note that unlike Pegasus with similar abilities, Bellerophon can win with his ability by climbing from a level 1 to a level 3.

Game Strategies

Early Game

Bellerophon should try to create building level imbalances. Level 3s are great because he is one build and one move away from creating a winning threat: he can build a level 1 adjacent to that level 3, and move to that level 1, threatening to win by moving up two levels from the level 1 to the level 3. In that sense, a level 2 is two builds and one move away from creating a winning threat. Moreover, if the time is right, Bellerophon might just use his power to move to that level 2. Bottom line, high structures are good for Bellerophon and building them on opposite sides of the board might be even better so that he has several possible threats.

Mid Game

Bellerophon is still very powerful at this stage of the game and there's one more strategy you should be aware of, which many players forget. The most common use of Bellerophon's ability is to threaten to win by moving from the level 1 to the level 3 but don't forget that you can also use it to move from the ground level to level 2. This said, you should always be looking for those opportunities. Consider the following example:


Bellerophon casually plays a Pegasus’ move which is sufficient to win. He moves to A4 (by using his power) and builds in A5.

Late Game

If the opponent was able to hold on to Bellerophon's threats, or if Bellerophon just wasn't able to create any good threats, he might find himself in a situation where he and the opponent are in a plateau of level 2s. In this situation Bellerophon is a mortal. This is one additional reason why Bellerophon wants to create building levels' irregularities and build levels 3 from levels 2 whenever it is possible.

Specific matchup


If you have already played with both heroes, you have probably come to the conclusion that Bellerophon is stronger in general, so you might be tricked into thinking that he is stronger in this matchup. In fact, this matchup turns out to be quite balanced and maybe even favoring Achilles (with very good play, Bellerophon might be stronger, but that's tough to say).

What happens many times in this matchup is that Achilles is able to move up to a level 2 first. Bellerophon does not have very effective methods to prevent it, except by creating level 3s, but these might also help Achilles. Then, Bellerophon has to use his power just to delay his loss for a few more moves.


Just like Apollo vs Pegasus, Apollo will be superior and Bellerophon might hold on for several moves, but won't stand a chance.


This is (by far) a favorable matchup to Bellerophon. Most times, Atalanta will be forced to use her power to defend a Bellerophon's threat (because she is not fast enough and, on the contrary, Bellerophon is very fast to create threats) and then the game is basically decided.

Double builders

It will not be easy for Bellerophon to keep up with building powers, since Bellerophon isn’t exactly a defensive hero. For instance, Prometheus will have no trouble smashing Bellerophon.


Heracles does quite well in this one by staying close to Bellerophon and doming any high levels if necessary. If Heracles and Bellerophon race to see who wins faster, assuming that Heracles used his power to trap himself and win in a corner, Bellerophon has a one move advantage, which can make all the difference. Hence Heracles might have to rethink his power usage in this matchup.


It might sound counter intuitive (because Bellerophon likes to build up the board), but Bellerophon is actually a decent opponent to Limus. As long as he stays close to her, Limus will also have a tough time creating winning threats (because a level 1 Bellerophon is "equivalent" to a level 2 mortal). Moreover, building in the corners might be useful for Bellerophon as he can create multiple threats and force Limus from one side to the other.


Bellerophon is a much more offensive power, but Maenads will give him a hard time. Maenads will play in the center (making sure that Bellerophon cannot build central towers) trying to lure Bellerophon to the center, making it easier to use her power. This is a fun matchup if you want to try a hero vs god game.


You can say these two are opposites, but it is clear that Bellerophon is much stronger and will have no problem in this matchup.


This is a good case to say that "quantity is not quality". Pegasus jumps higher, but that doesn't mean that his jumps are more useful. Pegasus can still only win normally by moving from a level 2 and that will do all the difference. Pegasus will be the one defending so be careful not to bet on the wrong horse.


Polyphemus is a very strong power but anyone can win in this matchup. Bellerophon must be careful not to fall for a corner attack, and try to create as many threats as possible in order to force Polyphemus to waste his power.


There is a usual tactic Siren will not be able to employ in this matchup. If Bellerophon is on top of a level 2 in C3, it would be common for Siren to force that worker in the direction of the wind, let's say, to C4, and build in C3 a level 3 (to prevent the opponent from returning to that square). If C4 is a level 1 (which is more than likely), Siren is not able to do this as Bellerophon would just straight up win. Bellerophon vs Siren matchup with analysis: Santorini BGA: Siren (petr7410) vs Bellerophon (Todi Liju) [commentary]


Unfortunately, Theseus is not strong enough to defeat Bellerophon. And even if it wasn't enough, Bellerophon doesn't need to be on levels 2 to create threats, which is even more bad news to Theseus.


Bellerophon is a very strong hero and mixes very well with the pool of gods (I suggest you try some hero vs god matchups) due to the fact that a lot of his power usage is threatening to win from moving up directly from a level 1 to a level 3. Since that is more or less predictable, the opponent is able to block his threats, but Bellerophon didn't lose his power.

Tier ranking: A