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We all know from those double builders how powerful a triple build is. We all know from Atlas and Asteria how annoying it is to throw domes across the board. If we put both together but limit its usage, is it still powerful? The answer is yes, but you have to plan it well.

Hero Power

Once per game at the end of your turn, your worker builds up to 2 domes at any level on any unoccupied spaces on the board.


Player build


When using his power, you can choose not to use both domes if you want. However, you cannot save them for later, since his power is once per game.

Game Strategies

Early Game

The best try for Polyphemus in the early game is to build in the perimeter. If the opponent tries to go for a race, surely Polyphemus will win since he can, in the same move, build normally, defend a key square with a dome, and place a dome in the opponent’s area. With that in mind, the opponent will try to stay close to Polyphemus, but if Polyphemus attacks several corners, it might be sufficient to create a deadly attack in one of them.

Mid Game

Polyphemus should always try to look for opportunities to surprise his opponent. One good example is the corner attack, which Polyphemus can set up out of nowhere just by having one block in a corner. Consider the following example:


Polyphemus can win with a corner attack in A5 by playing b4-c4, build B5(1), build A4(X), build B4(X), setting up an impossible threat to defend in A5 (the next move is clearly c4-b5, build A5). The opponent might try some counter play in the lower left corner, but luckily for Polyphemus, the other worker is there to defend. It is worth mentioning that the opponent might try e3-d4, build C5(1), but Polyphemus can reply with c4-b5, build C5(2).

Similar situations might arise more frequently than you think, and that is one of the main reasons why Polyphemus is so strong.

Late Game

Having the possibility to build thrice (a normal build and two domes) in a single turn is very strong, especially in the late phase of the game. By building domes wherever he wants, Polyphemus can easily restrict the opponent and leave him in zugzwang.

Specific Matchup


Polyphemus is unstoppable if left alone so he could try to defeat the god of music. However, it is still unlikely that he will do it since Apollo likes to be close to his opponent. Polyphemus should not lose hope, as any mistake from his opponent will lead him to victory.


This was a very surprising matchup to me as I consider Polyphemus to be (considerably) stronger in general than Bellerophon. However, that is not the case in this matchup. Polyphemus will face a lot of difficulties in proving his strength. One way to do it is to start an attack on the other side of the board. However, even in that scenario, Bellerophon is usually the first to get a winning threat without committing too much.


By placing one block and two domes in a single move, Polyphemus could surprise Charybdis by destroying her whirlpools and prevent her from any counter play.


In this matchup, Clio’s coins are not affected by Polyphemus’s domes. Still, this will be a complicated game for Clio. Consider the following [game] in which Polyphemus attempts several times to go for a corner attack. Nevertheless, Clio defended very well and was even able to win, but I would like to point out how careful one must be against Polyphemus. In move 66, Clio played the weird d4-e3, build D3(1). Why? Well, if some other move, then Polyphemus could play d2-e2, build E1(2), build D1(X), build D2(X), setting up an unstoppable corner attack.


Having the two extra domes is not very effective against Hera and this one will likely go to Hera.


Minotaur likes to be close to his opponent in order to push them away, but if Polyphemus sticks to the perimeter and attacks the corners, he will give Minotaur a headache. The half-bull cannot easily push workers on the perimeter, and that could be enough for Polyphemus to secure the win by placing his extra domes.


Sadly for Polyphemus, he is still no match against Odysseus. There are some problems in this matchup for Odysseus. The corner attacks don’t work so well, as Polyphemus might be able to easily defend just by using his power. Moreover, if Odysseus uses his power first, this might force Polyphemus to use his power next, and this will not be the ideal move for him to use it, leaving Odysseus with a still somehow good position.


Polyphemus is the first to create a winning threat and the domes are useful to prevent Siren from luring his workers to the ground. However, this doesn’t mean that Polyphemus will have an easy time.


A very interesting matchup in which Terpsichore must always look out for the threat of having one of her workers trapped.


Being able to build so many times in a single move and choosing two of those builds to be any square of the board is very strong. That’s why Polyphemus earns this high ranking. Of course he can only do it once, but as for most heroes, just the threat of being able to do it is enough to force the opponent to play weaker moves in order to defend. And sadly for the opponent, Polyphemus can still keep his power.

Tier ranking: A