This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


From Board Game Arena
Revision as of 18:34, 22 June 2024 by Hulb (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Overview=== X ===Turn=== First, reveal a Universal Rule, this will have some effect unique to this round that may not follow the normal rules Second, each player is dealt 4 cards Third, draft these cards, picking one to keep each exchange, with the final 4th card being discarded Fourth, choose the order of your three cards and lay them out in the desired sequence Fifth, shuffle the deck including the discarded card and deal another 4 cards per player Sixth, h...")
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First, reveal a Universal Rule, this will have some effect unique to this round that may not follow the normal rules

Second, each player is dealt 4 cards

Third, draft these cards, picking one to keep each exchange, with the final 4th card being discarded

Fourth, choose the order of your three cards and lay them out in the desired sequence

Fifth, shuffle the deck including the discarded card and deal another 4 cards per player

Sixth, have a second draft phase, again ending with 3 cards each

Seventh, add these three new cards to the left &/or right of your previous 3 as you wish. You may not rearrange the first set of three, nor place cards between them.