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Gain 8 Tentacles and summon the Cosmoctopus first!


On your turn, move the Cosmoctopus, optionally play a card, discard down to 8 cards, then direct the Cosmoctopus towards the next player

First, move the Cosmoctopus orthogonally and gain the bonus of the space it lands on. Additionally, you MAY spend any resource of your choice to move it one space more for each resource spent, only the final landing space will generate rewards though

After which, pick a card from your hand to play if desired, this may result in further cards being played via previous card effects, but usually you can only play 1 card. To play a card you must be able to afford it, most cards show in the top left banner a specific amount of one resource type plus a specific amount of any combination of resources required to pay. You have the option to discard cards from your hand, these then count as resources of the same type, e.g. red cards discard for the red resource.

Make sure you have no more than 8 Cards and 8 of each unique resource at end of turn, discarding the excess

If at any point you are unlucky enough to have 13 of a resource, discard them all and gain two Tentacles along with the matching Forbidden Knowledge of that resource

When you gain your first Tentacle, you can take a First Contact card of your choosing from those still available


Scriptures (Black) - These give you a permanent resource to continuously use, however they cannot be used for the Wild cost unless it is a Permanent Wild resource. If the Scripture has the Submerge icon, discard Scriptures (Black) & Relics (Yellow) from the Market and move the Cosmoctopus once for each card discarded this way, resolve the effect of EACH space entered in this way.

Relics (Yellow) - These give you a permanent ability going forward, also if it contains the Devotee symbol then once only you draw a card from the Devotee deck

Hallucinations (Red) - These give one off effects then are discarded, if the purple lightning bolt is shown you can play a second card if you can afford to

Constellations (Green) - These do nothing when played, and have no ongoing effect, instead when you gain resources rather than taking them into your supply you can choose to add to an active Constellation. You always start from the top left, then follow the arrows to see what resource the Constellation desires next. Once all spaces are filled, the effect resolves and the resources and the card are discarded. Note: You have to fill it at the moment resources are gained, resources already in your supply CANNOT be used to complete a Constellation.

Game End

The game ends as soon as a player has 8 Tentacles, they win!

Summarised by