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User:SwHawk/Create Modular Code: Difference between revisions

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Line 13: Line 13:
* Syarwin and [ quietmint] (for their Welcome To [ repository])
* Syarwin and [ quietmint] (for their Welcome To [ repository])
* [ Mogri] (Discord user Mogri)
* [ Mogri] (Discord user Mogri)
* Discord user Tug Brice (Ice 9 Games)

== Conventions ==
== Conventions ==
Line 195: Line 196:
     '''<span style="color:green">"./modules/path/to/firstfile.js",</span>        <span style="color:dimgrey>//The first file with your JS code</span>'''
     '''<span style="color:green">g_gamethemeurl + "/modules/path/to/firstfile.js",</span>        <span style="color:dimgrey>//The first file with your JS code</span>'''
     '''<span style="color:green">"./modules/path/to/secondfile.js",</span>      <span style="color:dimgrey>//The second file with another part of your JS code</span>'''
     '''<span style="color:green">g_gamethemeurl + "/modules/path/to/secondfile.js",</span>      <span style="color:dimgrey>//The second file with another part of your JS code</span>'''
Line 236: Line 237:
     <span style="color:green">'''"./modules/whatever.js"'''</span>
     <span style="color:green">'''g_gamethemeurl + "/modules/whatever.js"'''</span>
  function (dojo, declare) {
  function (dojo, declare) {
Line 282: Line 283:
   '''someFunction: (x) => _('The answer is: ') + x,'''
   '''someFunction: (x) => _('The answer is: ') + x,'''

Notes on this approach:
Notes on this approach:
Line 365: Line 366:
     '''other dependencies...'''
     '''other dependencies...'''
  '''],function(dojo, declare){'''
  '''],function(dojo, declare){'''
     '''return declare(null,</span> <span style="color:dimgrey">/*Parent classes that this class inherits, optional*/</span><span style="color:green">, {'''
     '''return declare(</span> <span style="color:dimgrey">/*Optional : parent classes that this class inherits, must be required in the array, and in the define callback arguments*/</span><span style="color:green">, {'''
         </span><span style="color:dimgrey>'''/* static properties */'''</span><span style="color:green">
         </span><span style="color:dimgrey>'''/* static properties */'''</span><span style="color:green">
         '''let property1 = "value;'''
         '''let property1 = "value;'''
Line 417: Line 418:
In your code, you can access your module's class and methods by doing so:
In your code, you can access your module's class and methods by doing so:

     <span style="color:green">'''let someValue = SecondModule.property3'''
     <span style="color:green">'''let myObject = new SecondModule();
    '''let someValue = myObject.property3'''

Line 562: Line 564:
  '''<span style="color:green">require_once 'modules/php/PNAutoloader.php';</span>'''
  '''<span style="color:green">require_once 'modules/php/includes/PNAutoloader.php';</span>'''
  '''<span style="color:dimgrey">//Here you'll write the use statements to import your classes and traits using the autoloader</span>'''
  '''<span style="color:dimgrey">//Here you'll write the use statements to import your classes and traits using the autoloader</span>'''

Latest revision as of 23:53, 29 November 2022

This article is a Work In Progress, please do not refer to it for production purposes

This page will cover steps you can take as a BGA developer to make your code more modular and better organized. The way the framework is implemented makes the game logic and the interface logic files very monolithic. While this is not a problem in itself, even simple to moderately complex game may require this files to be over 5k lines of code. Thus you can quickly become lost in all the functions you need to declare, where they are declared, and where they are called.

But there are steps that you can follow to take advantage of PHP's Object Oriented Code and the dojo toolkit's AMD loader to organize your code in separate files. Let's see what's available:


Writing this wiki article wouldn't have been possible without the help, work and insight of more experienced BGA developers:


In the code blocks, code additions will be displayed in bold and green, and added comments will be displayed in bold and dark grey so that they stand out from the boilerplate code from a scratch project. Part in red should be aapted to reflect your project's structure.

On the PHP side

include vs require

Throughout this section, I'll make heavy use of PHP's require_once control structure. Why am I using require(_once) instead of include_once? Because if an error exists in a PHP file that you try to include, only a warning will be thrown, but the script will continue in spite of the error. Using require if the included file has an error, the script dies when the inclusion takes places, throwing a fatal error (E_COMPILE_ERROR).

That way, I'm sure the classes, traits or interfaces I'm including are syntax error free.

Game logic methods

The way the framework is implemented, your game logic is gathered inside a class (YourProjectName) extending the Table class. You define your methods there so that they may be called from other parts of the framework (as long as they're public methods obviously).

But you can take advantage of PHP Traits. In a nutshell, Traits are a collection of methods that can be reused in different classes, to avoid code duplication. Here we're not going to reuse them anywhere else than in the game class, but this little trick allows us to put methods definitions in other files, and in so doing to avoid monolithic code.

Basically you create a Trait in th /modules/ directory, for instance:

namespace YourProjectNamespace\Modules;

trait UtilityFunctionsTrait {

    public function myFirstUtilityFunction($args)
        //Your code here


Then you can include it in you project's file like so:

  * BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <> & Emmanuel Colin <>
  * X implementation : © <Your name here> <Your email address here>
  * This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on
  * See!doc/Studio for more information.
  * -----
  * This is the main file for your game logic.
  * In this PHP file, you are going to defines the rules of the game.

require_once 'modules/UtilityFunctionsTrait.php';    //Here we require the trait to be loaded when the class is loaded

use X\Modules\UtilityFunctionsTrait;                 //We import the trait to be used directly as UtilityFunctionsTraits,
                                                     //otherwise we would have to use the Fully qualified class name

class X extends Table

//////////// Utility functions

        In this space, you can put any utility methods useful for your game logic

    use UtilityFunctionsTrait; //Here we actually include the trait inside the class, making all the trait's methods 
                               //available as class methods, keeping their visibility scope (so a private method
                               //is still private)

Support classes

Basically, the same as traits, you put your classes definitions into files that live under the /modules/ directory (don't forget to namespace your classes), and then require them at the top of X_game.php, and voilà, you're done

Adding autoloader support

Coding standards

Even for simple games, you might end up having a dozen of traits and support classes. You can require them all in your X_game.php. Or you can use an autoloader, which will load the necessary classes and traits at runtime. There are two PSRs dealing with autloading standards (namely PSR-0 which is marked as deprecated and PSR-4) which state that your namespaces should be a reflection of the directory structure of your project.

Basically, when creating namespaces, you choose a namespace prefix. For example, you could use your BGA handle and the project name as a namespace prefix (would result in \SwHawk\X in my case), and then the rest of the namespace would be the directory the file is in. I usually group classes and traits by the function they have in my project, so my /modules/ directory looks like that:

        Factory/                      //Holds my factory classes
            AFactoryClass.php         //The namespace for this file would be \SwHawk\X\Factory, and the fully qualified class name would be \SwHawk\X\Factory\AFactoryClass
        Object/                       //Holds my support classes
            ObjectA.php               //The namespace for this file would be \SwHawk\X\Object, and the fully qualified class name would be \SwHawk\X\Object\ObjectA
        Traits/                       //Holds my traits
            UtilityFunctionsTrait.php //The namespace for this file would be \SwHawk\X\Traits, and the fully qualified class name would be \SwHawk\X\Traits\UtilityFunctionsTrait

Autoloader function for development

While your project is under development, you usually create, move and remove classes as part of the development process. So you usually need an autoloading function that can handle a lot of flexibility. Basically once you import a class using the use keyword, the autoloading function will determine which file to require using its fully qualified class name, and then require. This function needs to be either defined or included at the top of X_game.php. Such a function would have the following code (borrowed and adapted from this repository):

spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {

    // project-specific namespace prefix, adapt to your needs, remember that you must escape \ characters in double-quoted strings (hence the \\)
    $prefix = "SwHawk\\X\\";

    // base directory for the namespace prefix, this file would usually reside in the modules/php/includes/ directory, so the base directory for all my classes would be a level higher
    $base_dir = __DIR__ .  '/../' ;

    // does the class use the namespace prefix?
    $len = strlen($prefix);
    if (strncmp($prefix, $class, $len) !== 0) {
        // no, move to the next registered autoloader

    // get the relative class name
    $relative_class = substr($class, $len);

    // replace the namespace prefix with the base directory, replace namespace
    // separators with directory separators in the relative class name, append
    // with .php
    $file = $base_dir . str_replace('\\', '/', $relative_class) . '.php';

    // if the file exists, require it
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        require $file;

Autoloader function for production

Once you're moving your game to production, the autoloader function provided before isn't optimized. Once in production, the directory tree should not be modified, so you can change the earlier autoloader to a classmap based one. Basically, you build an associative array with the fully qualified classes names as keys and the filepath as the value. An example would look like so:

spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
    static $classmap = array(
        "SwHawk\\X\\Factory\\AFactoryClass" => __DIR__ . "/../Factory/AFactoryClass.php",
    if(array_key_exists($class)) {
        require $classmap[$class];
    } else {

This autoloader is better suited to production since it won't use expensive calls like file_exists($filename). You can write the classmap by yourself, but it can be quite cumbersome, there is some tools like this project, or this one, or even scripts detailed in this StackOverflow topic

On the JS side

BGA uses the dojo toolkit framework for most of its javascript code. Dojo comes with its own way of loading modules, which you can read about in more detail here and here. To put it simply, there are two ways you can go about this

Write plain javascript

Relying on the dojo toolkit

Should you wan to write plain javascript, you can easily do so. What you need to do is actually load the file like so in X.js:

 * BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <> & Emmanuel Colin <>
 * X implementation : © <Your name here> <Your email address here>
 * This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on
 * See!doc/Studio for more information.
 * -----
 * X.js
 * X user interface script
 * In this file, you are describing the logic of your user interface, in Javascript language.

    g_gamethemeurl + "/modules/path/to/firstfile.js",        //The first file with your JS code
    g_gamethemeurl + "/modules/path/to/secondfile.js",       //The second file with another part of your JS code
function (dojo, declare) {
    return declare("bgagame.X", ebg.core.gamegui, {
        constructor: function(){

According to the dojo toolkit documentation, you will then need to directly access what you defined in the files.

Alternative method

This section has mostly been written by Mogri.

This approach lets you avoid Dojo and this and allows more modern JS.

First, you'll need to a a statement at the beginning of the X.js file:

* BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <> & Emmanuel Colin <>
* X implementation : © <Your name here> <Your email address here>
* This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on
* See!doc/Studio for more information.
* -----
* X.js
* X user interface script
* In this file, you are describing the logic of your user interface, in Javascript language.
window.X = {}; // X = your game, or you can use something more generic
    g_gamethemeurl + "/modules/whatever.js"
function (dojo, declare) {
    return declare("bgagame.X", ebg.core.gamegui, {
        constructor: function(){
            console.log('X constructor');
            // Here, you can init the global variables of your user interface
            // Example:
            // this.myGlobalValue = 0;

            This method must set up the game user interface according to current game situation specified
            in parameters.
            The method is called each time the game interface is displayed to a player, ie:
            _ when the game starts
            _ when a player refreshes the game page (F5)
            "gamedatas" argument contains all datas retrieved by your "getAllDatas" PHP method.
        setup: function( gamedatas )
            X = Object.assign(this, X); // This will allow you to use X.method instead of this.method inside modules/whatever.js
            // the rest of your setup goes here

And then, in your modules/whatever.js file:

X = Object.assign(X, {

  myFunction: (arg1, arg2) => {
    return arg1 + arg2;

  someFunction: (x) => _('The answer is: ') + x,

Notes on this approach:

  • Aside from setup and any framework-override functions, you can use arrow functions
  • Always use X instead of this
  • As usual, you can use any number of modules this way

Write an AMD module

You can take advantage of the toolkit's module system to declare dependencies between the differents files you'll be writing (modules in the toolkit's language). To be identified as modules, your Javascript files will need to have the following structure:

Create a named new class

    "dojo",      //Needed if you want to be able to use dojo methods such as, etc.
    other dependencies...
],function(dojo, declare){
    return declare("className", /*Parent classes that this class inherits, optional*/, {
        /* static properties */
        let property1 = "value;
        let property2 = 5;
        constructor: function (args) {
            /* instance properties */
            let property3 = 8;
            let property4 = [ "arrayValue", "arrayValue2" ]; 
        method1: function (args) {
            /* your code here */

Then in the X.js file, you can use your newly created module like so:

 * BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <> & Emmanuel Colin <>
 * X implementation : © <Your name here> <Your email address here>
 * This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on
 * See!doc/Studio for more information.
 * -----
 * X.js
 * X user interface script
 * In this file, you are describing the logic of your user interface, in Javascript language.

function (dojo, declare) {
    return declare("bgagame.X", ebg.core.gamegui, {

In your code, you can access your module's class and methods by doing so:

    let object = new className();

This can lead to namespace collisions if you don't choose a namespace correctly, so you might want to take the same approach as described earlier for the PHP files for using a namespace.

Create an anonymous class

    "dojo",      //Needed if you want to be able to use dojo methods such as, etc.
    other dependencies...
],function(dojo, declare){
    return declare( /*Optional : parent classes that this class inherits, must be required in the array, and in the define callback arguments*/, {
        /* static properties */
        let property1 = "value;
        let property2 = 5;
        constructor: function (args) {
            /* instance properties */
            let property3 = 8;
            let property4 = [ "arrayValue", "arrayValue2" ]; 
        method1: function (args) {
            /* your code here */

Then in the X.js file, you can use your newly created module like so:

 * BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <> & Emmanuel Colin <>
 * X implementation : © <Your name here> <Your email address here>
 * This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on
 * See!doc/Studio for more information.
 * -----
 * X.js
 * X user interface script
 * In this file, you are describing the logic of your user interface, in Javascript language.

    "./modules/js/SecondModule",      //Has to be inserted in the third position as we'll
                                      //need an identifier later, and the other modules don't need it, see code in the preceding subsection.

function (dojo, declare, SecondModule  /* insert a reference here that you'll use throughout the JS file for this module */) {
    return declare("bgagame.X", ebg.core.gamegui, {

In your code, you can access your module's class and methods by doing so:

    let myObject = new SecondModule();
    let someValue = myObject.property3

This can lead to namespace collisions if you don't choose a namespace correctly, so you might want to take the same approach as described earlier for the PHP files for using a namespace.

Create a singleton object

You can also create singleton objects by creating a module this way:

    "dojo",      //Needed if you want to be able to use dojo methods such as, etc.
], function (dojo) {
    // Methods and variables defined in this part will not be available anywhere else than in this file
    let privateVariable = "someValue";
    let privateFunction = function (args) {
        //some code here
    return {
        firstMethod: function (args) {
            //some other code here

To be used in the X.js file, you must use the same method as in the previous section:

 * BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <> & Emmanuel Colin <>
 * X implementation : © <Your name here> <Your email address here>
 * This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on
 * See!doc/Studio for more information.
 * -----
 * X.js
 * X user interface script
 * In this file, you are describing the logic of your user interface, in Javascript language.

    "./modules/js/SecondModule",         //Has to be inserted in the third position as we'll need an identifier later, and the other modules don't need it
    "./modules/js/sigletonObject",          //see code in the preceding subsection.
function (dojo, declare, SecondModule /* insert a reference here that you'll use throughout the JS file for this module */, singletonObject /* same here */) {
    return declare("bgagame.X", ebg.core.gamegui, {

Then you can access your code the same way as described in the previous section:


Putting it all together

As you might have gathered reading this, much of your work will rely on the directory structure your project will follow.

Recommended directory structure

This is a recommendation, and in no way are you forced to follow it, but then you may have to adapt some of the code snippets shown below. All filenames should be self-explanatory, although there might be comments for some files.

        FirstUtilityModule.js (defines a [[#Create a singleton object|singleton object]])
        SecondUtilityModule.js (defines an [[#Create an anonymous class|anonymous class]])
        FirstNotificationModule.js (defines a [[#Create a new named class|class with a name]])
        FirstActionModule.js (plain JS code)
        PNAutoloader.php (contains your autoloader, PN stands for ProjectName, and should be a trigram if possible)
        Other files to be included into files of the project. For instance splits from

This directory tree is quite detailed, you're free to make arrangements with it to suit your project's requirements.

Choosing a namespace prefix


As stated earlier, in order to avoid collisions when importing your PHP Classes and Traits, you should define a namespace prefix. We'll use Username\ProjectName throughout the remainder of this article.


As we'll create a named class, we should also use a namespace prefix for the JS module. We'll use username.projectname throughout the remainder of this article

Write the autoloader and include it in the game logic

Even though you may have a lot less PHP classes than stated here, you should really write an autoloader function, and since it's recommended for the production environment, you should proceed to write a classmap autoloader when your classes are pretty much stabilised.

Then you need to include it in your X_game.php like so:

  * BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <> & Emmanuel Colin <>
  * X implementation : © <Your name here> <Your email address here>
  * This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on
  * See!doc/Studio for more information.
  * -----
  * This is the main file for your game logic.
  * In this PHP file, you are going to defines the rules of the game.

require_once 'modules/php/includes/PNAutoloader.php';

//Here you'll write the use statements to import your classes and traits using the autoloader

class X extends Table
    //Here you can write the use statements to import your traits into the class, or put them in the relevant sections of the file

Write your Javascript modules and include them

On the JS side of the code, you have multiple alternatives to choose from (see the JS section), but all will require you to modify the define statement at the beginning of the X.js file. According to the directory structure shown above, the file would look like so:

 * BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <> & Emmanuel Colin <>
 * X implementation : © <Your name here> <Your email address here>
 * This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on
 * See!doc/Studio for more information.
 * -----
 * X.js
 * X user interface script
 * In this file, you are describing the logic of your user interface, in Javascript language.

function (dojo, declare, FirstUtilityModule, SecondUtilityModule) {
    return declare("bgagame.X", ebg.core.gamegui, {
        constructor: function(){
           console.log('X constructor');
           // Here, you can init the global variables of your user interface
           // Example:
           // this.myGlobalValue = 0;
           This method must set up the game user interface according to current game situation specified
           in parameters.
           The method is called each time the game interface is displayed to a player, ie:
           _ when the game starts
           _ when a player refreshes the game page (F5)
           "gamedatas" argument contains all datas retrieved by your "getAllDatas" PHP method.
       setup: function( gamedatas )
       //// Reaction to cometD notifications

           In this method, you associate each of your game notifications with your local method to handle it.
           Note: game notification names correspond to "notifyAllPlayers" and "notifyPlayer" calls in
                 your file.
       setupNotifications: function()
           console.log( 'notifications subscriptions setup' );
           // TODO: here, associate your game notifications with local methods
           // Example 1: standard notification handling
           // dojo.subscribe( 'cardPlayed', this, "notif_cardPlayed" );
           // Example 2: standard notification handling + tell the user interface to wait
           //            during 3 seconds after calling the method in order to let the players
           //            see what is happening in the game.
           // dojo.subscribe( 'cardPlayed', this, "notif_cardPlayed" );
           // this.notifqueue.setSynchronous( 'cardPlayed', 3000 );
           // TODO: check module integration with dojo.subscribe

See it in a real project

This method has been partially or totally applied on the following projects:

If you have successfully applied this method in your project, feel free to add you project to the list by editing this section