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Rift Valley Reserve is a game about strategically arranging scenic hiking trails on shared boards. Each turn, players draw a single element on the board in front of them. Then, they pass the board to their left.


All players take turns simultaneously and draw in their own color.

On the first turn, players must draw a Stop (a circle) on any empty space that is NOT adjacent to an animal vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

On later turns, players must choose to:

  • Draw another Stop. Stops adjacent to animals are allowed on later turns. However, Stops must NOT be vertically or horizontally adjacent to other Stops. Diagonal adjacency is allowed.
  • Or, draw a Trail (a line).
  • Or, draw a Tent (a triangle).


Stops must NOT be vertically or horizontally adjacent to other Stops. Diagonal adjacency is allowed.

At game end, each Stop that is NOT connected to a trail penalizes its owner -2 points.


Trails can be drawn between two Stops owned by the same player. The Trail must be drawn by this player.

Trails cannot cross any element (animal, tree, water, Stop, Trail, Tent, Rift) except the player's own Rift as described later.

Trails can be a straight line, or an L with a maximum of 1 corner.

At game end, each Trail scores its owner 1 point per area it enters. Areas are the map regions surrounded by thick borders. Every map has 9 areas, and a Trail scores from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 5 points.

At game end, each animal square scores players a variable number of points as described in the Scoring section below. Each animal square only gives a player points if that player has at least one Trail adjacent to it. The connected Stops are considered part of a Trail. The Trail can be vertically, horizontally, or diagonally adjacent to the animal square.


At game end, each Tent scores its owner 2 points for each adjacent connected Stop the same player owns. A connected Stop is a Stop with a Trail drawn to it. These connected Stops can be vertically, horizontally, or diagonally adjacent to the Tent.


Each map has a Rift, which is a canyon that blocks trails. However, the Rift has a colored border around it indicating which player started the game with that map. The player with this color is allowed to bridge their own Rift with Trails. These bridges must only be drawn the short way, perpendicular to the Rift.

End of Turn

End of Game
