This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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The game lasts over 7 days (rounds) or when a player builds 9+ machines

Day and Night Cycles

There are 3 identical cycles for each Day phase and one cycle for the night phase, making 4 turns per round in total

Day Turns

On each of the 3 day turns, each player either works in the Factory or works in the Workshop

After which, all machines with workers on them move forward equal to the number of workers on them, i.e. 1 space with 1 worker, 2 spaces with 2 workers....

Any machines which leave the conveyor belt are considered completed

Work in Factory

The Factory is divided into the Stock Room and the Delivery Dock

Stock Room

Take the items shown on the flow chart, where there is a break you have to pick either or Electric Flowers / Magic Ink (Pay attention to small numbers, as these give you multiple in one stage e.g. 2 Magic Ink)

The maximum amount of Ink/Flowers you can store is 9

Delivery Dock

Pay the flower cost in the top right to gain the rewards for the time of day

Work in Workshop

Night Turn

First off, return all workers back to their spaces in your board

Earn one Magic Ink Drop

All Completed Purple Machines activate for their player if they wish and to and order of their choosing

Any benefits which cause in progress machines to be completed, will then give the player the immediate bonus of completing that machine

Now check for whether either of the end game triggers is true, and go to final scoring.

If end game is not triggered, pass the first player marker and replace the current Delivery Card with a new one

Final Scoring

First, take all dream points already collected, then add to them:

Points from your Electric Sheep Position

Points from Cloud Tokens

Points from Rainbow Meeples: 1 point per small and 5 points per large

Points from Electric Flowers and Magic Ink Drops at a rate of 1 point per 5 combined (i.e. 3 Flowers + 2 Ink is 5 combined for 1 point)