This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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He was safe in his choice, for he knew
that the lady was in number two.
When he burst through her door,
he found out by the roar,
that tigers can be ladies too.

--Tom Lang


  • At the start of each round, shuffle the 4 door cards together and deal 1 to each player. Each player look at their card.
  • One player is the collector, the other player is the guesser. The collector goes first.
  • On the collector's turn, take 1 card from the 4 displays and place it face up. Refill immediately.
  • Then if you have a set with all 4 cards matching the same trait of your identity, reveal your identity and earn 6 gems. The round ends.
  • On the guesser's turn, discard a card from the display and refill immediately. Then you may guess the collector's identity (1-2 traits).
  • If the guess is correct, the guesser earns 1 gem with 1 trait or 5 gems with 2 traits. Else, the collector earns 4 gems. The round ends.
  • The guesser also earns 2 gems for having a set with the collector's cards and 3 points if the deck is depleted. The round ends.
  • The wild colour card counts as both colours and the wild role card counts as both roles.
  • The first player with 10 gems wins.