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Deal Integrity Cards: Remove the Agent and Kingpin cards from the Integrity Deck and place them in a separate face-down pile. Shuffle the Integrity Deck and add enough cards to the pile to deal one card to each player. Do not view these cards. Shuffle that pile and deal one of the cards to each player, then deal each player two more Integrity Cards from the Integrity Deck. If there is an Integrity Card left over, remove it from the game without viewing it. Note: There is an even number of Honest and Crooked Integrity Cards in the dealing decks. In some games, one of them is randomly burned.

Deal Equipment Cards: Shuffle the Equipment Deck and deal one to each player face-down.

Guns: Lay the guns down in the middle of the table.


You are on the HONEST team if you have the Agent card or if the majority of your cards are Honest.

You are on the CROOKED team if you have the Kingpin card or if the majority of your cards are Crooked.


Your turn consists of 3 phases:

1) Take Action

Choose 1 of these actions to take:

  • Investigate - View one hidden Integrity Card.
  • Arm - Take a Gun. Reveal 1 of your hidden Integrity Cards if you have any.
  • Equip - Draw an Equipment Card. Discard down to 1. Reveal 1 of your hidden Integrity Cards if you have any.
  • Shoot - Shoot your Gun at the player at whom you are aiming. Drop your gun.

2) Take Aim

If you are holding a Gun, aim it at any living player other than yourself.

3) End Turn

Play proceeds clockwise.


If you are shot, you must reveal all of your Integrity Cards.

If you are NOT the Agent or Kingpin:

  • You are eliminated from the game.
  • Return your Equipment Card to the bottom of the deck.
  • Return your Gun to the center of the table.

If you ARE the Agent or Kingpin:

  • You are NOT eliminated the first time you are shot. If you are shot while wounded, the game ends and the opposing team wins.
  • Draw an Equipment Card.
  • Put a Wounded Token on your Agent or Kingpin card.


  • You may only hold one Gun at a time.
  • Any time you get a Gun, immediately aim it. Otherwise you may only change where you are aiming at the end of your turn during the Take Aim phase.


  • Equipment Cards may be used in reaction to Shoot actions, during your turn, or at the end of any player's turn.
  • When you use an Equipment Card, place it at the bottom of the deck.
  • When you use an Equipment Card, no other Equipment Cards may be played until yours is resolved.
  • The hand limit of Equipment is 1.
  • Multiple Equipment Cards may be played before an action is resolved.


The HONEST team wins if the Kingpin is eliminated.

The CROOKED team wins if the Agent is eliminated.

It, at any time, a player has both the Agent and the Kingpin, that player wins alone.


You are encouraged to use the chat to give truthful or false information about what you have seen or accuse players of being on a team or having a specific role.


There is now a Zombie team in addition to the Honest and Crooked team. They win if they can turn the Agent or Kingpin into a zombie.


One player will have an Infector card. This is not a Leader card, but whoever has it is on the Zombie team. Note: Although you are on the Zombie team, you are not a zombie yourself until someone investigates your Infector card or reveals it in another way.

  • When the Infector card is hidden, at the end of each non-zombie's turn, they will roll the Infection die to see if they get an Infection token.
  • When a player investigates or reveals the Infector card, they draw an Equipment card. The player with the Infector card becomes a zombie.

Getting Shot

If you are NOT a Zombie, flip over all of your Integrity Cards. Then:

  • If you are a Leader, follow the same rules as getting shot in the base game.
  • If you are NOT a Leader, you become a zombie (see Becoming a Zombie). Note: The Infector is not a Leader so this also applies to them.

If you are already a Zombie, you aim your Arms at yourself. The player who shot you keeps their Gun.

Becoming a Zombie

You become a zombie when any of these things happen:

  • You are a non-Leader, non-Zombie and you are shot.
  • Your Infector card is revealed.
  • You roll the zombie symbol on a Zombie Die.

When any of those happen, do the following:

  • Reveal all of your hidden cards.
  • You are no longer on the Honest or Crooked team but instead you are now on the Zombie team.
  • You Keep:
    • Any Equipment you had.
    • Any Infection tokens you have on your Integrity cards.
  • You Lose:
    • Any Gun you were holding.

Note: If the Infector takes the Arm action and flips over their Infector card to pay for it, they become a zombie and they take Arms instead of a Gun.

Zombie Actions

When a zombie takes their turn, instead of the usual turn actions, they can take one of these turn actions:

Bite: This causes two things to happen:

  • You may put an Infection token on an Integrity card of the player at whom you are aiming. Only one Infection token may be on each Integrity card.
  • That player rolls a die for each Integrity card they have with an Infection token. If they roll a Zombie symbol, they become a zombie.

Arm: Take Arms from the center.

Equip: Draw an Equipment card.

At the end of a zombie turn, if they have Arms, they may aim them at any player.

Zombie Dice

When a zombie Bites you and you are not a zombie, put an Infection token on one of your Integrity cards.

Then, roll a Zombie die for each Infection token on your Integrity cards. These are the symbols you might roll:

  • Zombie Symbol: You become a zombie. If you are the Agent or Kingpin, the game is over.
  • Infection Symbol: You add an extra Infection token to one of your Integrity cards. Only one Infection token may be on each Integrity card.
  • Zombie Arms Symbol: The zombie who bit you must change their aim to another player.

Zombie Equipment and Arms

  • Zombie players may use Equipment just like non-Zombie players.
  • Any Equipment that affects or targets a Gun or those holding a Gun affects or targets zombie Arms or those with zombie Arms.
  • Any Equipment that affects or targets Shoot or shooting affects or targets Bite or biting.
  • Any Equipment that affects or targets an eliminated player may target a zombie player.
  • Bringing a player back to life (like with Defibrillator) turns a zombie into a non-zombie but it doesn’t work on the Infector.

Swapping Integrity Cards

There are a few new cases where exchanging Integrity cards may make you switch teams:

  • If you are given a revealed Infector card, you become a zombie.
  • If you are a zombie and you are given a Leader card (Agent or Kingpin), you are no longer a zombie, even if the Leader card is hidden.
  • If you ever have both the Infector and a Leader card, you immediately win alone.