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The game consists of 48 tiles (four times each tile numbered 1 to 12).
The goal is to play all one's tiles (empty one's hand) to score points. This is one round.
There are two game modes. With "One round" you only play one round: until the first player's hand is empty. With "Score 7" you play multiple rounds until one player has more points. (See "Scoring" below for more detail.)

Course of the game:

The tiles are dealt: 12 to each player, the remaining 12 forming a common draw pile.
The first tile from the draw pile is turned over and placed on the board. Each player will play in turn, always in the same order.
The dial can only have one tile of each value; these will be positioned at the planned locations (marked with the number concerned).

When the dial is full its tiles are shuffled (with the remaining draw pile if there is one) to form a new draw pile. A new turn of the dial then begins, which will take place in the same way as the previous one (but without the set of sets).
When a player empties their hand, the points are scored and a new deal is made as at the start of the first round.

Authorized shots:

1 - When there is a draw pile

Place a tile or a series of tiles on the dial in the continuity of the one(s) already placed, clockwise or anti-clockwise (as desired and regardless of the moves played previously).
Or discard a set (the remaining tile of the same value will be called unique tile).
Or draw a random tile from the draw pile.
The player who can neither pose nor discard must necessarily draw.

It is possible to play or discard or pass after having drawn (as desired and independently of the tile drawn). If the player has neither of these possibilities, the turn automatically passes.

It is possible to pick up the last tile that has just been placed by the previous player, but this must be followed by a valid move (to put down or to discard: it is not possible to draw, it is not either possible to put back the tile that has just been picked up).

2 - When there is no more draw pile

The conditions for placing, discard or picking up remain the same. However, instead of drawing, players can choose to skip their turn (even if they have a playable tile or a set in hand).
It is impossible to pass with a single immediately playable tile: players must play a valid move (place a tile or series of tiles, on one side or the other of the dial, or discard a set).

When two players have consecutively passed their turn, if the third player does not have one of the immediately playable tiles, they may contest the move. If the player does not have any of the tiles corresponding to the two playable positions on the dial, they will choose which of the two values to challenge.

When the player disputes a value, the four tiles will be removed from the hands of the other two players. The set is discarded from the game (valuable for one point) and the unique tile comes into the possession of the player who contested, they must then play (according to the usual conditions given above).

If no one has the opportunity to challenge, it is impossible for players to skip their turns more than three times in a row. In this case, when the turn goes to the first player to pass, that player will be forced to place a non-unique tile from their hand (or a straight if they wish).


One round

  • You get one point every time you discard a set of three (the score shown in red at your player card).
  • If you completed a dial then this is doubled. (On the score card this is called "Score round".)
  • If you emptied your hand (and thereby ending the game) you get an additional three bonus points.

Score 7

The scoring rules are the same, but this time every time you win one round you get 3 points. The first player to 7 or more points win the game.