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== '''W każdej rundzie''' ==
Rules are here:

- Gracze rozgrywają swoje tury zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara
(A picture of all 18 Age II buildings: )

- W Dniu Żywienia, gracze żywią robotników i otrzymują nagrody
== '''For Each Round''' ==

- Przestawiają kalendarz
- Each player takes their turn, going around the table

- On a food day, feed your workers and take your rewards

== '''Tury graczy''' ==
- Advance the Calendar

== '''Player turn''' ==

- '''Prośba o kukurydzę:''' Jeśli masz 2 lub mniej koszy kukurydzy, można poprosić o kukurydzę, chyba że jesteś na dole wszystkich trzech świątyń. (Odrzuć całą kukurydzę i weź 3 kosze kukurydzy i przejdź o jeden stopień w dół jednej ze świątyń)

- '''Wyślij do pracy na kołach dowolną liczbę robotników lub zdejmij dowolną liczbę robotników z kół'''
- '''Beg for corn:''' If you have 2 or less corn, you may beg for corn unless you are at the bottom step of all three temples. (Turn in all corn, take 3 corn and move one step down on any temple)

-- ''Wysyłanie robotników do pracy'': Gracz płaci tyle koszów kukurydzy, ile wynosi numer pola akcji na które wysłał robotnika. Płaci się również dodatkowe kosze kukurydzy za każdego dodatkowego robotnika wysłanego w danej turze
- '''Either place workers OR pick up workers'''

-- ''Powrót robotników do wioski'': Można wybrać jednego lub więcej z twoich umieszczonych robotników. Dzięki każdemu powracającemu robotnikowi gracz może:
-- ''Placing workers'': pay corn for the number of workers you place. The cost for the number of workers you place is 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, or 15 for, respectively, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 workers placed on that turn, plus the cumulative cost noted next to each of your placed workers.

--- Wykonać akcję przy której stał robotnik w momencie zdjęcia,
-- ''Picking up Workers'': You may pick up one or more of your placed workers. For each worker picked up either

--- Wykonać akcję z jednego z pól o niższym numerze na tym samym kole. Za każdy numer różnicy, gracz musi zapłacić 1 kosz kukurydzy,
--- Use the action where your worker was standing

--- Nie robić nic. Gracz zdejmuje tylko robotnika z koła.
--- Use a lower action on the wheel from where your worker was standing(if not
standing on a free action space,pay 1 corn for each step back)

--- Do nothing.

== '''Dzień Żywienia''' ==
== '''Food Day''' ==

-'''Żywienie Robotników''' Każdy gracz musi zapłacić 2 kosze kukurydzy za każdego robotnika, którego ma w grze (na kole lub przed sobą. Gracz musi nakarmić, tylu robotników ile jest w stanie. - Za każdego nienakarmionego robotnika, traci 3 punkty zwycięstwa
Players must feed their workers at the end of Day 8, Day 14, Day 21, and Day 27.

-'''Weź nagrody'''
-'''Feed the Workers''' Each players must pay 2 corn for each worker they have in play (on a gear or in front of you) with the exception for any farms you own. You must feed as many workers as you have corn for.
-- For each worker not fed, you lose 3 points

--''W środku epoki (Brązowo-pomarańczowe Dni Żywienia)''
-'''Take Rewards'''

--- Gracze otrzymują nagrody w postaci surowców i kryształowych czaszek,
--''Middle of Age (Brown days)''

-- ''Koniec epoki (Niebiesko-zielone Dni Żywienia)''
--- Receive items shown on the left edge of temples from step you are on and all steps below

--- Usuń wszystkie budynki epoki 1 i wyłóżcie budynki epoki 2.
-- ''End of Age (Teal Days)''

--- Gracz otrzymuje punkty zwycięstwa wskazane przez aktualnie zajmowany stopień w świątyni.
--- Remove all Age 1 buildings and fill spaces with Age 2 buildings

--- Gracz znajdujący się w danej świątyni na najwyższym stopniu spośród wszystkich graczy otrzymuje punkty bonusowe. Określają go liczby widniejące nad każdą świątynią. W przypadku remisu, wszyscy remisujący gracze otrzymują połowę premii.
--- Receive points shown on the right edge of temples for the step you are on.

== '''Przestawianie kalendarza''' ==
--- Bonus points on each temple track for the player whose marker is highest. Bonus amount is shown above each temple. For ties, everyone receives half the bonus.

Jeśli nie ma robotnika na polu Pierwszeństwa żadnego gracza, należy umieścić 1 kosz kukurydzy na aktualnym zębie kalendarza Tzolk'in i przesunąć go o 1 dzień.
== '''Advance the Calendar''' ==

W przeciwnym razie:
If there is no worker on the starting player space, place a corn on the current Tzolk'in gear tooth and advance the gear one day.

- Robotnik znajdujący się na najwyżej numerowanym polu wraca do gracza

-- Jeśli tą osobą nie był Pierwszy Gracz, bierze znacznik Pierwszego Gracza.
- The worker on the Starting Player space returns to the player

-- Jeśli gracz zajmujący pole Pierwszeństwa posiada aktualnie znacznik Pierwszego Gracza, przekazuje go graczowi po swojej lewej stronie.
-- If this person was not the starting player, they take the starting player marker.

- Przestawić kalendarz Tzolk'in o jeden dzień.
-- If they were the starting player, the starting player marker is moved to the player on their left

- Gracz, który umieścił swojego robotnika na polu Pierwszeństwa może zdecydować, aby przesunąć kalendarz o jeden dodatkowy dzień, jeśli jego plansza nie jest obrócona ciemną stroną ku górze i w rezultacie jakiś robotnik nie zostałby zepchnięty z koła (a nie byłby zepchnięty przy obrocie kalendarza o 1 dzień).
- Advance the Tzolk'in Gear one day.

-- W przypadku skorzystania z tej opcji, należy obrócić swoją planszę ciemną stroną w górę.
- The player that placed their worker on the Starting Player space may decide to advance the gear one extra day if the player board is light side up AND this advance will not push a player off the gears.

-- Przesunięcie kalendarza o 2 dni nie powoduje ominięcia Dnia Żywienia.
-- If you use this option, flip your board to dark side up.
-- This does not avoid food days.
== End of Game Scoring ==
The game ends after the fourth Food Day. The Tzolk'in gear will have made one complete revolution. Players convert all of their commodities to victory points and score their monuments. Then the player with the most points wins. In case of a tie, whoever has the most workers left on the gears wins. If it is still a tie, then all tied players win. Esoteric Note: Technically, the Tzolk'in gear advances one more day after the end-of-Age-2 scoring and before the final scoring. This might push workers off the gears, which could affect the tiebreaker.
=== Final Scoring ===
To score your final victory points, do the following:
1. Convert all resources to corn using the exchange rate for the market.
2. Score 1/4 victory point for each corn.
3. Score 3 victory points for each crystal skull you still have.
4. Score your victory points from your monuments.
== '''See also''' ==
[[Tips_tzolkin|Strategy Tips]]

Latest revision as of 02:03, 28 February 2024

Rules are here:

(A picture of all 18 Age II buildings: )

For Each Round

- Each player takes their turn, going around the table

- On a food day, feed your workers and take your rewards

- Advance the Calendar

Player turn

- Beg for corn: If you have 2 or less corn, you may beg for corn unless you are at the bottom step of all three temples. (Turn in all corn, take 3 corn and move one step down on any temple)

- Either place workers OR pick up workers

-- Placing workers: pay corn for the number of workers you place. The cost for the number of workers you place is 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, or 15 for, respectively, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 workers placed on that turn, plus the cumulative cost noted next to each of your placed workers.

-- Picking up Workers: You may pick up one or more of your placed workers. For each worker picked up either

--- Use the action where your worker was standing

--- Use a lower action on the wheel from where your worker was standing(if not standing on a free action space,pay 1 corn for each step back)

--- Do nothing.

Food Day

Players must feed their workers at the end of Day 8, Day 14, Day 21, and Day 27.

-Feed the Workers Each players must pay 2 corn for each worker they have in play (on a gear or in front of you) with the exception for any farms you own. You must feed as many workers as you have corn for. -- For each worker not fed, you lose 3 points

-Take Rewards

--Middle of Age (Brown days)

--- Receive items shown on the left edge of temples from step you are on and all steps below

-- End of Age (Teal Days)

--- Remove all Age 1 buildings and fill spaces with Age 2 buildings

--- Receive points shown on the right edge of temples for the step you are on.

--- Bonus points on each temple track for the player whose marker is highest. Bonus amount is shown above each temple. For ties, everyone receives half the bonus.

Advance the Calendar

If there is no worker on the starting player space, place a corn on the current Tzolk'in gear tooth and advance the gear one day.


- The worker on the Starting Player space returns to the player

-- If this person was not the starting player, they take the starting player marker.

-- If they were the starting player, the starting player marker is moved to the player on their left

- Advance the Tzolk'in Gear one day.

- The player that placed their worker on the Starting Player space may decide to advance the gear one extra day if the player board is light side up AND this advance will not push a player off the gears.

-- If you use this option, flip your board to dark side up.

-- This does not avoid food days.

End of Game Scoring

The game ends after the fourth Food Day. The Tzolk'in gear will have made one complete revolution. Players convert all of their commodities to victory points and score their monuments. Then the player with the most points wins. In case of a tie, whoever has the most workers left on the gears wins. If it is still a tie, then all tied players win. Esoteric Note: Technically, the Tzolk'in gear advances one more day after the end-of-Age-2 scoring and before the final scoring. This might push workers off the gears, which could affect the tiebreaker.

Final Scoring

To score your final victory points, do the following:

1. Convert all resources to corn using the exchange rate for the market.

2. Score 1/4 victory point for each corn.

3. Score 3 victory points for each crystal skull you still have.

4. Score your victory points from your monuments.

See also

Strategy Tips