This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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  • All characters are placed suspect side up on the board, along with manholes, lit gaslights and police cordons.
  • Mr Jack draws an alibi. That is his identity. The rest of the alibis are placed in a stack next to the board.
  • Mr Jack starts visible.


  • On odd rounds, the detective starts first. On even rounds, Mr Jack starts first.
  • Draw 4 character cards from the deck and place them next to the board. On odd rounds, shuffle the deck first.
  • The starting player chooses a character and activates his ability. Then the opposite player chooses two characters and activates their abilities one by one. Finally, the starting player activates the last ability.
  • Then, Jack must declare whether he is visible. He is visible if he is next to a gaslight or another character. According to his answer, the detective clears some people.
  • After that, some gaslights maybe shut off. Remove the lit token equal to the round number from the game.

End of the Game

  • Once per game, the detective can move another character onto Jack and confronts him. If the detective is right, he wins. Otherwise, Jack wins.
  • If Jack escapes when he is invisible, he wins.
  • If eight rounds have passed and Jack is not caught, he wins.

Playing as a detective

Try to split suspects as much as possible between light and dark. On odd turns, prefer to put suspects that are playable this turn in the dark, and other suspects in the light. That way Jack can't escape on the next turn.