This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


From Board Game Arena
Revision as of 10:56, 27 February 2022 by Tricuspa (talk | contribs) (Includes most basic builds and provides general style format)
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Object of the Game

Be the first to score ten (10) points with your buildings and victory points you acquire.

First Turn

On the first turn you may trade up to all of your coins for basic goods (wood, grain, clay, stone, and/or cotton) as long as they are available. The first player starts with three (3), second four (4), third (5) etc.


On your turn you must choose to either Produce or Trade'

  • Produce a single basic good (wood, wheat, clay, stone, and/or cotton)
  • Produce by expending a good (or goods) to pay the cost of the more valuable good
  • Trade a number of goods for other goods / buildings of equal (or lesser) cost
  • Additionally, you may also perform a building's action once per turn - before or after you produce or trade

Expended "trade" goods, go into the discard pile to the right of the deck and replacement cards are placed in the freed spots. Basic goods replenish at the bottom of the board.

After your turn it proceeds to the next player.

This repeats until the winning condition are met


Each good has a value in the bottom center-right, this is its trading value/cost. Any items to the left indicate what items can be consumed to "produce" the good - See **Producing**


A good may be produced if it is on the left side of the board (separated by the deck) by using another good (or goods) - the right side indicates discarded cards, and while the discard may be checked you may not produce an item that is there Optionally you may always produce for a single (basic good) available on the bottom row - this tends to be inefficient but sometimes necessary


Most buildings have an additional ability (a limited extra trade/consume phase). If the conditions are met on the bottom of the card you will have the option to play the card either at the beginning and end of the turn - but you may only perform the action once per turn.

The Goods

Basic Goods (cost 1)

Expend to make coal
Expend two (x2) to make paling
Expend with grain to gain sheep
Expend with yarn to make fishing rod
Expend to make flour
Expend with clay to gain cow
Expend with wood to gain sheep
Expend to make clay brick
Expend with grain to gain cow
Expend to make stone brick (concrete blocks)
Expend to make yarn

Trade Goods

1st Level (Blue)

Clay brick
Allows you to produce milk
Expend to make meat
Paling (boards)
Allows you to produce yarn
Expend to make meat
Stone Brick (concrete blocks)
Expend with wood to make fishing rod

2nd Level (Purple)

Fishing rod
Allows you to produce fish

The Buildings