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Play rounds based on the number of players. After the final round, sum coins and share values.


There are 36 different cards in the game, containing 6 different company icons in 3 card regions. Cards never have the same icon in multiple regions.

For each company icon, there are 6 cards with that icon in the top region, and 12 cards with that icon in one of two bottom regions.

Start of Round

Shuffle all cards. Deal all players 6 cards (or 5 for 5 players) and 12 coins (or 10 for 5 players).


Each player takes turns playing 1 card and performing the following steps in order: 1. Play a Card (mandatory) 2. Sell 1 Share (optional) 3. Buy 1 Share (optional)

Each step can only be done once.

Play a Card

Place a card faceup on the discard pile. You must then choose one of these options: 1. Use the icon in the upper section of the card. Either place a matching company tile in any empty space on the map, or flip a matching company tile to the protected side. Protecting a company tile means it cannot change for the rest of the game. Each company is limited to 10 of its tiles on the map.

2. Use an icon in the lower section of the card. Move the growth counter for the matching company up 1 space in the growth chart area. If the growth counter reaches space 4, the president of the company must choose to expand the company or pass. If the growth counter reaches space 6, the president of the company must expand the company.

Sell 1 Share

Choose a company you own at least 1 share of. Receive coins equal to the number of shares in that company's column on the stock chart. Remove one of your share marker(s) from that column.

If you were president of that company, selling a share may result in another player having the most shares and becoming president. If selling a share means that multiple other players are now tied for most, you choose which of the tied players becomes president.

Buy 1 Share

Choose a company with less than 8 shares in its column on the stock chart. Pay coins equal to the lowest free space in its column, and place one of your share markers there.

If this means you now have more shares in that company than any other player (not tied), you become president of that company.

Presidency and Company Expansion

If you become president of a company, you put one of your share markers on the president space of the matching column in the stock chart. There is no scoring value for this marker -- it is just a reminder.

As president, you get to make all decisions on company expansion. When the growth counter of the company reaches 4, you can decide to expand or wait until the growth counter reaches 6. When it reaches 6, you must expand.

When you expand a company, you perform either 2 (at level 4) or 3 (at level 6) growth actions and then reset the company's growth counter to 0.

Growth actions are either: 1. Place a tile of the company on an empty space adjacent to an existing location of the company. 2. Or, place a tile of the company on an occupied, unprotected space adjacent to an existing location of the company. This replaces the tile of another company. 3. Or, flip a tile of the company to the protected side. The tile cannot be replaced for the rest of the game.

Growth actions only consider locations adjacent to the company's tiles at the start of the growth action. Thus, it is not possible to grow 2 spaces away in 1 expansion turn.

End of Round

The next player in clockwise order becomes starting player. This means the last player in turn order takes 2 turns in a row.

End of Game