This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


From Board Game Arena
Revision as of 14:00, 9 January 2023 by PrinceParsnips (talk | contribs) (Added Turn Order and Game End)
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Turn Order

  1. The First Player rolls the dice.
  2. They choose one dice and write the number into one of the valid boxes for any sport.
  3. The player on their right chooses a dice from the remaining dice and writes it into one of the valid boxes for any sport.
  4. This is repeated until the first player chooses a second dice.
  5. The player on the right of the first player becomes the first player.

Game End

Once a player can no longer write a number on their game sheet, they must pass and the game is over for them. Once all players have passed the game is over and the medals are awarded.